Don't Pay Taxes Twice

Keep track of nondeductible IRA contributions so you won't pay Uncle Sam more than you have to when you withdraw funds in retirement or if you convert to a Roth.

Contributing to a traditional IRA is a great way to lower your tax bill. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for this deduction.

You don't have to itemize to deduct the amount you contributed to an IRA (and reduce your adjusted gross income dollar for dollar). But your income has to fall below certain levels to write off the full amount of your contribution. (Learn more about IRA contribution and deduction rules for your 2010 tax return and the rules for 2011.)

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Cameron Huddleston
Former Online Editor,

Award-winning journalist, speaker, family finance expert, and author of Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk.

Cameron Huddleston wrote the daily "Kip Tips" column for She joined Kiplinger in 2001 after graduating from American University with an MA in economic journalism.