The 5 Best Money and Retirement Podcasts You Haven't Heard of Yet

Want to retire early? Learn the difference between being frugal and being cheap? Get over embarrassing money matters, and apply practical money rules to your own life? I've got some off-the-beaten path podcasts for you.

Want to cue up a brand new podcast, but not sure where to start? Most “best of” lists for financial podcasts tend to feature the same well-known shows over and over again, which isn’t all that helpful for those of us who want to branch out and discover something we never knew we needed.

This list is different, and features some of my favorite financial and retirement podcasts that can help you better plan, prepare and enjoy your money today and in the future.

Whether you’re getting ready for retirement or are only about halfway there, each of these shows provides you with the kind of insight, wisdom, tools and strategies you can use to make your financial life better, your net worth bigger and your ideal vision for your future a reality.

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1. Retirement Starts Today

Our common understanding of what retirement looks like, when it starts and how you experience it has changed dramatically over the last decade or so — and the idea of retirement continues to evolve today.

Some of the changes are due to the fact that pensions are almost nonexistent, and most employees don’t get much help beyond their own savings power during their careers to fund their life after work. But other changes to what it means to retire today have emerged as more and more people realize going from full-time work to full-time leisure isn’t always a good thing, and some workers opt to take on second-act careers, part-time work or a new position in a different industry instead of fully retiring and kicking back to do nothing at all.

Regardless of what your ideal retirement looks like, Retirement Starts Today Radio can help you achieve it. Benjamin Brandt covers what any soon-to-be-retiree needs to understand, from the expected (including protecting yourself against Social Security scams) to the downright strange-yet-downright-entertaining (like Benjamin’s take on what a mullet hairdo can teach us about portfolio distribution).

2. The Frugal Friends Podcast

Thinking about retirement and want to cut back on your expenses before you leave your job behind? Been feeling a little too spendy lately and want to understand how you can rein things in (without becoming a complete cheapskate)? The Frugal Friends Podcast might have a few ideas for you to try.

Even if you don’t identify as someone who is (or likes being) frugal, co-host Jen points out that their show is not full of tips on reverting to your broke college kid days. “Being frugal [is about] being a better steward of your time and resources.”

Jen Smith, Jill Sirianni and their guests generally talk about not just spending less, but spending with more intention and purpose. From simple plans to hack your travel and reduce trip expenses to frank discussions on where the line between being frugal and just being cheap is, these friends know how to help you spend less, save more and actually enjoy doing it.

3. Beyond The Dollar

Most people don’t love to talk about money. It’s usually a taboo topic when you’re trying to keep polite company, and even in spaces where we’re supposed to divulge the details of our finances (think, in the office of a financial planner, for example), it can be hard to have financial conversations.

That’s because personal finance is never just about numbers, and there are a lot of emotions and feelings that can stop us from understanding the right money moves to make or reaching out for help when we need it most.

Dropping in on the open and honest conversations that take place on Beyond The Dollar with Sarah Li Cain, however, can help you understand how to better navigate really tough topics. My favorite thing about this podcast is that the episodes help to normalize issues that might feel embarrassing, overwhelming or impossible to figure out if you’re going through them.

Whether it’s knowing how to have “the talk” about money with your parents or getting real about how infertility can impact a family’s finances, Beyond The Dollar helps listeners realize they’re not alone — and that there are solutions to even the toughest money challenges that we might face in our lives.

4. The FI Show

Not interested in waiting until age 67 to retire? You might consider joining the growing crowd of “financial independence/retire early” devotees, or FIRE enthusiasts. Whether you just want to be financially independent at any age or want to commit hardcore to the idea of retiring as early as possible, you’ll need to know how to maximize your income, manage your investments and cut down on expenses to help you get there.

The FI Show can help you do all this and more, as they feature real people who have managed to retire early, become financially independent or both. Podcast hosts Cody Berman and Justin Taylor share the stories of people whose experiences run a wide spectrum, from those who chased financial independence on as little as $10.75 an hour to entrepreneurs with million-dollar businesses they started from scratch.

This podcast highlights the seemingly countless ways you can successfully achieve financial freedom or retire early regardless of where you are in your life right now.

5. Beyond Finances

OK, I’ll admit: I’m biased on this one, as I host this podcast with my wife, Kali. But I think that dynamic is part of the reason listeners have deeply resonated with the show, and why it deserves a turn on your favorite podcast app.

Beyond Finances aims to provide real-life context to the practical money rules and the theory of financial advice that you’ve probably heard before but just aren’t sure how to best apply in your own life. Common themes range from using your money as a tool to get more value from every dollar to learning how to zoom out and look at the big picture of your financial life to increase your odds of long-term financial success.

If you’re interested in the intersection of self-awareness, personal development and financial success, Beyond Finances will help you make a meaningful impact on not just your finances, but your life in general.


This article was written by and presents the views of our contributing adviser, not the Kiplinger editorial staff. You can check adviser records with the SEC or with FINRA.

Eric Roberge, Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Investment Adviser
Founder, Beyond Your Hammock

Eric Roberge, CFP®, is the founder of Beyond Your Hammock, a financial planning firm working in Boston, Massachusetts and virtually across the country. BYH specializes in helping professionals in their 30s and 40s use their money as a tool to enjoy life today while planning responsibly for tomorrow. Eric has been named one of Investopedia's Top 100 most influential financial advisers since 2017 and is a member of Investment News' 40 Under 40 class of 2016 and Think Advisor's Luminaries class of 2021.