Anne Kates Smith
Anne Kates Smith brings Wall Street to Main Street, with decades of experience covering investments and personal finance for real people trying to navigate fast-changing markets, preserve financial security or plan for the future. As executive editor, she oversees the magazine's investing coverage, authors Kiplinger’s biannual stock-market outlooks and writes the "Your Mind and Your Money" column, a take on behavioral finance and how investors can get out of their own way.
A student of Wall Street history, Smith has shepherded investors through five bull markets and six bears, and along the way has covered everything from investing, economics, personal finance and real estate to travel, careers, retirement, corporate crime, financial regulation, breaking business news--and, on occasion, minor league baseball. She was one of the first journalists to warn investors away from Enron, a company that later became emblematic of corporate wrongdoing. Later, she was a voice of caution during the dot-com bubble, and led shell-shocked investors back into the market as the country emerged from the Great Financial Crisis.
Smith began her journalism career as a writer and columnist for USA Today. Prior to joining Kiplinger, she was a senior editor at U.S.News & World Report and a contributing columnist for TheStreet. Smith is a graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis, Md., known for its rigorous Great Books program and the third-oldest college in America.
Latest articles by Anne Kates Smith
Is Your Mutual Fund Politically Biased?
investing A recent study showed that partisan-leaning managers invest about 43% of assets in firms whose executives share the managers’ party affiliation.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Investors, Look Past Global Tensions
investing The average time it has taken for stocks to bottom is 22 days, with the market recovering all losses in an average of 47 days.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Expect a Year of Moderate Gains, Ally Invest Strategist Says
Economic Forecasts Lindsey Bell sees economic gains accelerating on lower interest rates, and favors the technology and communication services sectors.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Economic Forecasts -
Where to Invest, 2020
investing Eight trends point to what we think is a modestly bullish outlook for stocks.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Stories That Move the Economy
Investor Psychology Economist Robert Shiller predicted runaway home prices and the stock market bubble of the late 1990s. Now he’s writing about the influence of viral narratives.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Beware Dark Patterns on the Web
Investor Psychology These sites are designed to steer or coerce people into making unintended decisions.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Market Volatility: Get Used to It
Markets The second pullback of 2019 is probably not the end of the bull market.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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How to Dodge Tech-Stock Drama
investing Regulatory and trade risks mean investors must tread carefully.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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2019 Midyear Investing Outlook: Where to Put Your Money Now
investing Tariff tantrums and rising labor costs are weighing down this aging bull market.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Investment Strategist Says It’s Time for a Defensive Approach
Economic Forecasts Brian Nick of Nuveen sees a range of hazards for a “choppy” and “frustrating” market in 2019.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Lessons Learned From the College Bribery Scandal
Paying for College Being a snowplow parent who removes obstacles is not the way to raise emotionally healthy, money-smart kids.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Paying for College -
Stocks: Why We’re Better Buyers Than Sellers
investing When portfolio managers are buying, they think like business owners. But when they sell, they too often devolve into stock jockeys.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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What’s Next for a Turbulent Market
investing Investors wonder if it’s sink or swim for stocks. Our take: time to bottom-fish.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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What a Bear Market Does to Your Brain
Investor Psychology Normal market cycles can stir up your emotions and push you to invest unwisely, but being aware of your behavioral biases can help you focus on your long-term plan.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Where to Invest in 2019
investing Making money in stocks won’t be a walk in the park. You’ll need some protective armor to shine in a market facing a thicket of risks.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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What the Midterm Elections Mean to Your Money
Politics Regardless of the results of the election, putting an end to the uncertainty is likely to be a plus for your portfolio.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Retirees, Go Ahead and Spend a Little (More)
Investor Psychology Successful savers have prospered by living below their means. Frugality often becomes a preference—sometimes to an excessive degree.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Don't Fall Into the Diversification Trap
Investor Psychology Researchers discovered that, when it comes to investment fees, diversification efforts can backfire.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Ed Yardeni Makes a Case for Bullishness
Economic Forecasts The economist and market strategist expects Standard & Poor's 500-stock index to rise 14% for the rest of 2018 and no recession for at least a couple of years.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Nickel and Dimed
business This is the account of a journalist who goes undercover to live among the working poor.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Where to Invest Now: Our Midyear Outlook for 2018
investing Our forecast: Higher stock prices by year-end, with continued volatility and a slight chance of worrisome headwinds.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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5 Stocks to Buy for 2018
stocks This bull market has been a long-running one, almost a record.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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What We Can Learn from Target-Date Funds
investing These one-decision investments can teach you to stick with your investing strategy and remain calm no matter what's happening in the markets.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Is the Stock Market Correction Over?
investing Probably not. But you can take steps to prepare for more ups and downs.
By Anne Kates Smith Published