Anne Kates Smith
Anne Kates Smith brings Wall Street to Main Street, with decades of experience covering investments and personal finance for real people trying to navigate fast-changing markets, preserve financial security or plan for the future. As executive editor, she oversees the magazine's investing coverage, authors Kiplinger’s biannual stock-market outlooks and writes the "Your Mind and Your Money" column, a take on behavioral finance and how investors can get out of their own way.
A student of Wall Street history, Smith has shepherded investors through five bull markets and six bears, and along the way has covered everything from investing, economics, personal finance and real estate to travel, careers, retirement, corporate crime, financial regulation, breaking business news--and, on occasion, minor league baseball. She was one of the first journalists to warn investors away from Enron, a company that later became emblematic of corporate wrongdoing. Later, she was a voice of caution during the dot-com bubble, and led shell-shocked investors back into the market as the country emerged from the Great Financial Crisis.
Smith began her journalism career as a writer and columnist for USA Today. Prior to joining Kiplinger, she was a senior editor at U.S.News & World Report and a contributing columnist for TheStreet. Smith is a graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis, Md., known for its rigorous Great Books program and the third-oldest college in America.
Latest articles by Anne Kates Smith
How to Invest for Climate Change
investing Be selective about new technology, and don’t write off fossil fuels yet.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
investing -
5 Ways to Invest in Emerging Markets While They're Cheap
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets The stocks may not have hit bottom, but long-term investors shouldn't pass up opportunities to buy when they’re on sale.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets -
5 Stocks at Risk of Dividend Cuts in 2016
investing Energy companies are especially vulnerable, but four of our picks come from outside of that troubled sector.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
investing -
The Market Selloff: What Should Retirees Do Now?
Markets The worst thing to do is panic. But that doesn't mean you should sit back and watch your nest egg disappear.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Markets -
The Trump Effect on Financial Markets
Economic Forecasts Faster growth and lower taxes compete with inflation and higher rates.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Economic Forecasts -
What Your Credit Score Says About Your Love Life
credit & debt A Fed study finds that couples with higher credit scores are more likely to stay together.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
credit & debt -
Technical Analysis: Stock Tips From the Charts
investing Some liken it to crystal-ball gazing, but defenders insist technical analysis can help investors spot important market trends.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Where to Invest in 2016
investing In a world of muted economic growth, investors can expect modest gains and more volatility. But the bull lives on.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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TIAA-CREF Analyst Saira Malik Eyes European Stocks
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets With a weak currency helping exports and economies recovering, European equities look cheap.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets -
Investors, Find Bargains Abroad in 2016
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets There's a lot of potential in European stocks. Slimmer pickings in Japan.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets -
Market Forecast for 2016: Stocks to Return 8%
Markets But plenty of risks remain for investors in the new year.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Markets -
Best Sources for Investment Advice
Financial Planning With a bit of research, you can gather a wealth of knowledge using traditional and new-age sources.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Financial Planning -
A Sucker Born Every Minute?
Investor Psychology The radical premise of a new book suggests that free markets, even when they function perfectly, don’t operate to the benefit of all.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
Investor Psychology -
Why ETF Prices Tank in a Market Rout
investing Mispricing during the most recent “flash crash” underscores a risk of these funds.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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How to Be a Better Investor in Today's Market
Markets Use these strategies to stay cool, and even prosper, in an era of uncertainty.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Technical Indicators Turn Bearish for Stocks
Markets From death crosses to Dow theory, technical analysts see red flags for Wall Street.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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The Danger of Investing Too Heavily in U.S. Stocks
stocks Our bias in favor of U.S. stocks robs us of opportunities to invest in promising companies that happen to be based elsewhere.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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See How Your Surgeon Rates
spending Two nonprofits help patients select surgeons based on complication and death rates.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
spending -
Why Market Routs Spell Trouble for ETFs
investing Here’s how to handle crazy pricing on your exchange-traded fund.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Why the Stock Market Plunged and What You Should Do Now
Markets China’s economic problems are behind the massive selling wave, but the U.S. economy looks healthy, so the chances of the correction turning into a severe bear market are slim.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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4 Dividend Stocks to Avoid
investing A generous distribution is not always a good thing. We highlight potential pitfalls that can derail your pursuit of income.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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How One Investor's Socially Responsible Portfolio Has Fared
investing We check up on a socially conscious investor we interviewed more than ten years ago.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Greece Won’t Turn Into a Tragedy for Long-Term Investors
Markets In fact, Greek-induced market volatility might present opportunities for bargain hunters.
By Anne Kates Smith Published
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Why Stock Gains Will Shrink in the Years Ahead
Markets Returns over the next decade or two will be less generous than the historical average. Plus: our long-term outlooks for bonds and cash
By Anne Kates Smith Published