Bob Frick
Latest articles by Bob Frick
4 Green Stock Picks that Can Bloom in a Perilous Sector
investing Renewable-energy stocks suffer due to big-picture uncertainties, but prospects are better than they seem.
By Bob Frick Published
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U.S. Energy Policy: Is Uncle Sam Green Enough?
Politics Despite earmarking $100 billion for renewable energy, our government has drawn criticism for not being tough enough on environmental issues.
By Bob Frick Published
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10 Great Mutual Funds That Deliver High Income
mutual funds Put more cash in your pocket and protection in your portfolio with these solid funds that pay good dividends and high interest.
By Bob Frick Published
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How Biases Affect Your Portfolio
Investor Psychology Minimize your money-related mistakes by learning about the investing biases rooted in your experiences, background, culture, and gender.
By Bob Frick Published
Investor Psychology -
Don't Be Scared of Emerging-Markets Bonds
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets Fidelity New Markets Income fund offers high returns with low volatility and costs.
By Bob Frick Published
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2 Key Numbers to Understanding Bond Funds
investing Get to know your bond funds by learning about these important data points.
By Bob Frick Published
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Investors, Beware the Pitfalls of Too Much Information
Investor Psychology You may think you're taking in a stream of financial facts, but there's no way you can absorb everything at once.
By Bob Frick Published
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Best Cities 2010: Austin, Texas
business Our number-one Best City for the Next Decade is a hotbed for small business -- and music.
By Bob Frick Published
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Too Close to Home
Investor Psychology Buying investments we know best hurts diversification.
By Bob Frick Published
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A Worthy Replacement for a Star Manager
investing The once-revered Bill Miller is expected to hand the reins of Legg Mason Value to his soon-to-be co-manager Sam Peters.
By Bob Frick Published
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7 Questions You Must Ask Your Financial Adviser
Markets Understanding your financial adviser’s motives, expertise and methods is crucial to managing your wealth.
By Bob Frick Published
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Break Out of the Mold
Investor Psychology A psychological quirk called framing can cause us to make poor decisions -- but you can break the mold.
By Bob Frick Published
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Make Money From Investors' Mistakes?
Investor Psychology These mutual funds try to beat the market by using the science that studies financial decision-making.
By Bob Frick Published
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Don't Fall for the Halo
Investor Psychology To pick a good adviser, try to eliminate as many personal biases as you can.
By Bob Frick Published
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Think Like a Squirrel
Investor Psychology Delaying a financial decision can help give the logical part of your brain a chance to kick in.
By Bob Frick Published
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Three Simple, Stellar Portfolios
investing All of our simple portfolios -- assembled 14 months ago by a variety of investing gurus -- have done well, but two have cleaned up, with one trouncing the S&P 500 and the other beating a bond benchmark.
By Bob Frick Published
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Overconfidence Game
Investor Psychology Investors tend to overestimate the accuracy of their information and their skill in using it.
By Bob Frick Published
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Don't Bet on the Past
Investor Psychology Investors can learn much from Wile E.
By Bob Frick Published
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How Poker Can Make You a Better Investor
Investor Psychology Learn to avoid emotional traps by playing a little Texas hold ’em.
By Bob Frick Published
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How Deepak Chopra Helped Me Play Poker Better
investing A device featuring the wellness guru taught me to keep my emotions under control.
By Bob Frick Published
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How Texas Hold 'Em Simulates Investing
investing Both are based on incomplete and unfolding information.
By Bob Frick Published
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Know Your Limits
investing We've found a quiz recommended by experts that may help you get a handle on your own risk tolerance.
By Bob Frick Published
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How a Layoff Led to His Dream Job
business The financial meltdown cost Matthew Tuck his position at Lloyds TSB Bank in New York City. But he managed to get back on his feet -- twice.
By Bob Frick Published
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Book Review: How Markets Fail
Markets John Cassidy takes readers on a tour of economic theory over the past 250 years, examining the irrational behavior of economists themselves.
By Bob Frick Published