Daren Fonda
Latest articles by Daren Fonda
Investing Lessons From Vanguard's Bogleheads
Index Funds Their zealous devotion to the principles espoused by John Bogle means a nearly exclusive reliance on index funds and close ties with Vanguard.
By Daren Fonda Published
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5 Good Stocks to Buy While They Are Cheap
investing Cash in on these solid companies while you can still get them at price-earnings ratios of 10 or less.
By Daren Fonda Published
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How to Profit From the Oil Crash
stocks These seven companies can prosper even in a world of cheap oil.
By Daren Fonda Published
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An ETF That's an Ideal Bond Substitute
investing Learn the ins and outs of "target maturity" exchange-traded funds.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Five Stocks to Sell Now
investing These companies are facing uphill battles as they head into 2016. It's better to stay out of the fray.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Investors, These Battered Pipeline MLPs Are Worth a Look
stocks Despite low energy prices, demand for some energy infrastructure is still rising.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Great Dividend Stock for Retirement: Ventas
investing With a freshly recalibrated portfolio of health- and senior-care properties, this REIT is poised for gains.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Best High-Yielding Utility Stocks to Earn Dividends
investing These stocks offer above-average yields and tend to hold up well during market selloffs. Plus: a great Vanguard utility ETF.
By Daren Fonda Published
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The Next Great Dividend Stocks of the S&P 500
investing These three companies yield nothing now, but they have the wherewithal to pay plenty down the road.
By Daren Fonda Published
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3 Cheap Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
investing These solid companies give you above-average yields with below-average price-earnings ratios.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Best Stock Picks and Fund Picks
investing When it comes to finding the best investments, a lot depends on you.
By Kathy Kristof Published
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A Bond-Fund ETF That Should Hold Up Well as Interest Rates Rise
investing PowerShares Senior Loan Portfolio holds loans made to companies with lousy credit.
By Daren Fonda Published
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7 Stocks to Profit From Cuba's Coming Boom
stocks You can invest today in companies that will benefit from a loosening of the U.S. embargo.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Best Big Oil Stocks for Safe Dividends
investing Despite plunging oil prices and profits, these four energy giants should be able to maintain their fat payouts.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Protect Your Bonds in Today's Low-Yield Environment
investing Play it safe, don't get greedy, and you'll weather the Fed's coming increases just fine.
By Daren Fonda Published
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5 Under-the-Radar Growth Stocks Trading at Good Prices
investing Our picks should deliver solid long-term gains with less drama than the racy tech and biotech stocks strutting in the limelight.
By Daren Fonda Published
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8 Great Stocks to Own for Retirement
investing Many Americans in their fifties and sixties can expect to live well into their eighties.
By Daren Fonda Published
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How to Play Defense in a Rocky Stock Market
investing Volatility is up and your portfolio is almost certainly down. Investing in these sectors will keep you in the game while holding down losses if the market heads south again.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Merck: A Great Dividend Stock for Retirees
investing The drug maker offers a healthy product pipeline including cancer-fighter Keytruda to go along with its healthy yield.
By Daren Fonda Published
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PPG Stock: A Great Dividend Investment for Retirees
investing The maker of paints and coatings has reliably paid out dividends to investors for more than a century.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Sysco Stock: A Great Dividend Investment for Retirees
investing The leading food distributor has raised its cash payout every year since 1976, and now an activist investor is clamoring for even more.
By Daren Fonda Published
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How U.S. Investors Should Play the Chinese Stock Market Crash
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets Investing in China comes with big risks. There are better ways and better places to invest abroad.
By Daren Fonda Published
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3 Energy Stocks to Buy Now
energy stocks Our picks will remain profitable even if oil prices stay low.
By Daren Fonda Published
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5 High-Yielding Stocks to Avoid
investing Don’t be tempted by the fat payouts—they may be in jeopardy. Ditto for the share prices.
By Daren Fonda Published