David Muhlbaum
In his former role as Senior Online Editor, David edited and wrote a wide range of content for Kiplinger.com. With more than 20 years of experience with Kiplinger, David worked on numerous Kiplinger publications, including The Kiplinger Letter and Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. He co-hosted Your Money's Worth, Kiplinger's podcast and helped develop the Economic Forecasts feature.
Prior to Kiplinger, David worked as an editor for MarketWatch and before that, America Online, which was then first starting to program content. At AOL, David helped build its business news channel, bringing together a range of wire providers and contract content from sources including The New York Times, Business Week and the Financial Times to create a comprehensive, 24/7 financial news source for millions of readers. His first job in journalism was with the East Hampton (NY) Star, where coverage of celebrity zoning disputes gave him a life-long appreciation for public records and tax maps. He holds a BA in American Literature from Middlebury College. David has represented Kiplinger on television, radio and podcasts, particularly on topics automotive. He has appeared on CNBC, WGN-TV (Chicago), Cars Yeah!, Bloomberg BNA, Voice of America and others. He is a member of the Washington Automotive Press Association.
Latest articles by David Muhlbaum
3 Smart Ways to Stretch Your Retirement Savings
Feature Try these strategies to make your nest egg grow faster and last longer.
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Tax Breaks Overlooked by New Retirees
Feature The IRS offers several advantages to newly retired taxpayers. Don't miss out.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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3 Biggest Urban Myths of Personal Finance
Feature Don't believe everything you hear about your money.
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Should You Keep Your Old Car?
Buying & Leasing a Car If you really want to really save money on a new car, don't sell your old one.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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15 Greatest Cars of the 21st Century
Buying & Leasing a Car Kiplinger ranks cars and SUVs every year, choosing the best in various price categories based on performance, value and safety.
By Jessica L. Anderson Published
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Three Grad School Degrees Worth the Debt
Feature Earning a master's or PhD in the right field can boost your career and help you pay off your student loans quickly.
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How Drones Are Transforming Business
Feature New drone technologies will reshape many industries including farming, surveying, filmmaking and newsgathering.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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Three Reasons You Will Never Retire
Feature These common mistakes can derail your retirement plans. Here's how to avoid them.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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How Drones Will Transform These 6 Industries
Technology Once the government sets rules for commercial drone use in the U.S.—and it will, likely in the next year or two—business applications of drones will take off, literally.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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Making a Wise Investment in a Collectible Car
Buying & Leasing a Car Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ll make big money. Think in terms of enjoying an asset that you want to hold its value better than most vehicles.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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Collectible Cars with Enduring Value
Buying & Leasing a Car With eye-popping auction prices of late (would you believe $30 million for a Mercedes?), classic cars are getting a lot of attention these days as an investment opportunity.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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9 Popular Tax Breaks You Can No Longer Count on in 2012
taxes A number of tax breaks that might be dear to you have expired.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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Eight Luxuries You Should Buy for Your Car
Buying & Leasing a Car Cars are expensive enough, gobbling ever-pricier fuel, but there are times when even automotive skinflints should consider loosening their grip on that dollar.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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8 Great Car Values for a Midlife Crisis
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Best Cars for Long Road Trips
Buying & Leasing a Car It’s summertime, and the open road beckons.
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9 Ways to Save on Car Maintenance
Buying & Leasing a Car Car maintenance is important. It can also get expensive.
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Buying & Leasing a Car