Dori Zinn

Dori Zinn

Dori is an award-winning journalist with nearly two decades in digital media. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, TIME, Yahoo, CNET, and many more.

Dori is the President of Blossomers Media, Inc. She’s extensively covered college affordability and other personal finance issues, including financial literacy, debt, jobs and careers, investing, fintech, retirement, financial therapy, and similar topics. With a strong journalistic background, she’s also worked in content marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing, content strategy, and other areas.

Dori graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism from Florida Atlantic University. She previously served as the president of the Florida Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, where her chapter won the coveted “Chapter of the Year” award for two consecutive years.