H. Dennis Beaver, Esq.
After attending Loyola University School of Law, H. Dennis Beaver joined California's Kern County District Attorney's Office, where he established a Consumer Fraud section. He also became a highly visible presence on local television and radio as a legal affairs reporter. He is in the general practice of law and writes a syndicated newspaper column, "You and the Law," carried by a number of papers in California.
Married for 49 years to his wonderful wife, Anne, Beaver says he is among the luckiest husbands on the planet. He has a 46-year-old son fluent in Cantonese and French, who lives in Hong Kong with his Japanese wife and 9-year-old grandson. Beaver is fluent in Swedish and French and is a frequent guest on Voice of America French to Africa radio broadcasts and the VOA television program Washington Forum.
"I love law for the reason that I can help people resolve their problems, and my newspaper column reaches so many people in need of down-to-earth advice not influenced by how much I am paid. I have never used any aspect of journalism as a form of advertising. I never charge readers for help, as I do not believe this would be ethical, and, in reality, they are the source of many of my columns. I know it sounds corny, but I just love to be able to use my education and experience to help, simply to help. When a reader contacts me, it is a gift."
Latest articles by H. Dennis Beaver, Esq.
Today’s Real Estate Market Requires Extra Vigilance
real estate investing The market is hot, but don’t get so excited that you go into a deal with blinders on. In particular, you should realize that your real estate broker may have a different agenda than yours.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
real estate investing -
‘I Think My Lawyer Has a Substance Abuse Problem!’
personal finance It may be more common than you think. Here’s why, and how to spot some warning signs.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
personal finance -
How to Fail as a Landlord
real estate investing If you’re thinking of getting into the rental property business, do it the right way, or be prepared for the consequences. A longtime landlord lists five things no reputable landlord should ever do.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
real estate investing -
How Working Parents Fail at Home and on the Job
careers Balancing work and home life is tricky, so don’t beat yourself up if you teeter sometimes. Take some lessons from this list on what not to do as a working parent.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
careers -
How to Get Sued for Age Discrimination
careers Employers can’t afford to do these seven things. And if you are a worker wondering if you have grounds for an age discrimination lawsuit, start taking notes!
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Thinking of Buying an RV or Motor Home? Think Again!
personal finance A Lemon Law attorney has some insights on the downsides of RV ownership you should think about before putting your money down and hitting the road.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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10 Ways to Fail Miserably at Office Politics
careers Successfully navigating the workplace takes social skills as well as job smarts. To get ahead, make sure you avoid these 10 office politics blunders.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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The Wrong Way to Achieve Wealth
personal finance For some down-to-earth, basic advice on money and life, I have a book to recommend: “Your Total Wealth: The Heart and Soul of Financial Literacy.”
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
personal finance -
Uh-Oh: My Kid Wants to Be a ‘Social Media Influencer’ … What Are the Legal Risks?
careers Teenagers and their parents need to know there are plenty of legal consequences for this new breed of marketers, according to attorney Christy L. Foley, an expert in social media influencer law.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Escape from the Planet of the Lawyers
careers A lot of lawyers out there are unhappy campers, but they don’t have to be. Anyone in the legal profession who is unhappy at work needs to realize they have skills – and options.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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How to Get Hacked and Become a Victim of Identity Theft
Scams Yes, online security can be a drag, but if you’re tempted to click on that fun Facebook quiz or skip your phone update just this one time, here’s what could happen.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
Scams -
Lawyer Asks: What Do I Do When Other Lawyers Falsely Bash Me?
careers It’s natural to want to defend yourself from false claims, but a defamation lawsuit isn’t the way to go in this case, three experts advise. Here’s why, and what to do instead.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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4 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Career Success
careers To be a success, it’s helpful to know what NOT to do on the job. An interview with the best-selling author of “The Art of Being Indispensable at Work” reveals four career mistakes that can cause you to be a miserable failure.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Condo Owners’ Legal Rights When the Bug Guy Damages Your Property
home Homeowners associations hire contractors for upkeep all the time, but what happens when an HOA’s contractor, such as a pest control worker, damages a condo owner’s property? Who picks up the bill?
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Divorce Tips to Avoid a Messy Dog Custody Battle
Divorce Before you get barking mad and take your fight to court, think about the consequences. Talking it out is almost always the better route, advises an animal law expert.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Got an Invention? Don’t Fall for These Patent Scams
Scams Getting an idea for a cool new product patented is a dream for many creative thinkers, but unfortunately there are plenty of scammers out there ready to pounce on that dream. Here’s how to spot them and where you should turn for help instead.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Social Media Policy Warning: Loose Lips Sink Ships and Can Damage Your Company’s Reputation
small business If a member of the media calls your company, will the employee who answers the phone know how to handle things? Or will they make your company look bad?
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Starting Your Own Law Practice? Here's How to Fail
careers Elizabeth Miller, co-author of 'From Lawyer to Law Firm, How to Manage a Successful Law Business,' explains what not to do when setting up your own law firm.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Can Your Boss Force You to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?
Coronavirus and Your Money Two employment attorneys weigh in with their legal viewpoints for employers and their workers. As a bonus, we touch base with a professor of psychology for some insights on where people’s heads may be on this issue.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Could Your Lawyer Have Cheated You on Your Bill?
personal finance After hiring a lawyer, make sure you go through your bill carefully to look for improper or illegal attorney billing practices.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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2 Contractual Clauses You May Want to Avoid
personal finance Before you sign a contract, watch out for these two common stipulations. They may sound innocuous (or even beneficial) to you, but they could hurt you more than you thought.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Do You Have to Pay a Plumber If He Can’t Stop Your Leak?
personal finance A contracts professor weighs in on “The Case of the Dripping Bathtub Faucet,” where a plumber couldn’t quite stop a leak and wonders what compensation – if any – he might expect from his clients.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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Are You Liable When a Customer’s Hummer Gets Stolen from Your Parking Lot?
small business A motel stay led to an unfortunate loss for a California couple. Can they hold the motel responsible? A lawyer’s take on the situation may not leave them smiling.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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How to Not Financially Paralyze Your Children
personal finance If you’ve spoiled your kids – or are worried you might spoil them – here are some steps to take to help ensure they become financially independent.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
personal finance