Herman Freitag, CFP®
Associate Wealth Adviser, McGill Advisors, a Division of CI Brightworth
Herman Freitag is an Associate Wealth Adviser with McGill Advisors, a Division of CI Brightworth. He graduated with a degree in marketing and a master's in business administration from the University of New Orleans. Prior to joining McGill Advisors he was with a national investment firm serving high-net-worth clients for four years. Previously he had worked for the private banking and retail arms of a national bank for four years. He earned his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional certification in 2017. Herman is a native of New Orleans, and outside of work he enjoys hiking, fishing, cooking, the outdoors and traveling.
Phone: 866.727.6100 | E-mail: hfreitag@mcgilladvisors.com | Website: www.McGillAdvisors.com