James K. Glassman
Latest articles by James K. Glassman
12 Investments to Cash in on China
investing China has created the most successful economic revolution the world has ever seen, and it still has room to grow.
By James K. Glassman Published
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4 Mutual Fund Managers Who Can Help You Beat the Market
investing Star fund managers are a vanishing breed, but I still think they offer value to the investor.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Join the Race to $1-Trillion Stocks
investing Five technology behemoths are contenders for this new benchmark. But is it sustainable?
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why Socially Responsible Investing Is Not for Me
investing Wanting to put your money in firms that follow certain ideals is laudable, sure. But it's not as straightforward as it used to be.
By James K. Glassman Published
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16 Stock Picks With Staying Power
investing Standard & Poor's 500-stock index has never recorded a loss over any 20-year period.
By James K. Glassman Published
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4 Types of Investments to Avoid
investing Sometimes it's what you don't buy that pays off the most in the long run.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Buy Retail Stocks at Wholesale Prices
investing Department-store stocks have lost one-fifth of their value in the past five years, while the overall stock market has nearly doubled.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Investors, Stop Worrying About a Bear Market
investing It's not like there aren't risks out there, but the smart strategy is to stay in stocks, and stay diversified.
By James K. Glassman Published
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6 Bond Funds to Boost Your Income
investing In part because of the election of Donald Trump, the yield on U.S.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Best Ways to Invest in Bonds Now
bonds With Donald Trump's election, the yield on U.S. bonds has risen dramatically. That spells opportunity for bond investors.
By James K. Glassman Published
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A Surprise Boost for Emerging Markets
investing Trump’s election has provided emerging markets with an unexpected benefit: a stronger dollar, which makes foreign goods even cheaper here.
By James K. Glassman Published
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James Glassman's 10 Stock Picks for 2017
investing Having beaten the market in 2016, I'm banking on these 10 stocks to outperform in the year ahead — and beyond.
By James K. Glassman Published
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5 Tech Investments Poised for Growth
investing To get higher profits over the long haul, you need higher sales of products and services that keep improving. Tech firms are the best place to look.
By James K. Glassman Published
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11 Stocks to Buy No Matter Who the Next President Is
investing Boosting economic growth will be a top priority of the new president, whoever wins the election.
By James K. Glassman Published
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12 Stocks to Buy No Matter Who the Next President Is
stocks to buy The U.S.'s long-neglected infrastructure is set to get a spending boost, and these stocks stand to benefit.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Investors, It's Time to Bet on Banks
investing The big banks have different personalities. JPMorgan Chase is strong and steady. Wells Fargo is seen as the best managed and most innovative.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Investments to Replace Bonds in Your Portfolio
bonds If you're looking for safer diversification after the fallout from Brexit, check out these options.
By James K. Glassman Published
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10 Good U.S. Stocks to Play the Global Economy
stocks You don't need to invest in foreign stocks to get exposure to the rest of the world.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Guess When the Next Recession Will Be
Economic Forecasts Even if you sold all of your stocks in anticipation of the next recession, you wouldn’t know when to get back into the market.
By James K. Glassman Published
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11 Great Dividend Stocks for Income Investors
stocks The best income strategy in this low-rate environment is to leaven your portfolio with stocks that pay solid dividends.
By James K. Glassman Published
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7 Small-Cap Stock Funds That Could Pay Off Big
mutual funds I'm convinced that the single best sector for investors right now is small-cap value stocks.
By James K. Glassman Published
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6 Wall Street Stocks That Are Cheap: Goldman Sachs, More
stocks to buy As candidates and others poor-mouth the financial industry, you can score stock bargains in the sector.
By James K. Glassman Published
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4 Tips to Buy Stocks Low
stocks You need to train yourself to see declines in the stock market as opportunities, not as calamities.
By James K. Glassman Published
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11 Stock Picks From the World's Greatest Investors
investing We studied the strategies of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett and others to tailor portfolios that will let you emulate their gains.
By James K. Glassman Published