James K. Glassman
Latest articles by James K. Glassman
Investing in a Time of Terror
investing The U.S. is a powerful and resilient nation. It has surmounted challenges far greater than the current series of terrorist attacks.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Expensive Growth Stocks That Are Worth the Price
investing You risk passing up promising investments when you eliminate stocks because they seem pricey by many measures.
By James K. Glassman Published
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6 Great Restaurant Stocks
stocks My two longtime favorites are Chipotle and Starbucks, which have franchises built for Americans' changing eating habits.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Case for Owning Fewer Stocks in Your Portfolio
stocks One study found that returns would rise sharply (with little effect on risk) if managers would pare their holdings to their 20 to 30 favorite stocks.
By James K. Glassman Published
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How to Invest in a Slowing U.S. Economy
economy The prospect of a diminished future may be gloomy, but smart planning can help you temper the effects.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Don’t Give Up on Actively Managed Mutual Funds
investing There is little difference in prospective returns between an index fund and a low-cost, low-turnover actively managed fund.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why I Love Investing in Cult Retailers
investing The best retailers can develop loyal followings, and those dedicated customers are willing to pay premium prices.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Big Oil Stocks to Buy Now
stocks The best option is large integrated energy companies, which have both market clout and solid balance sheets.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why I'm Still Bullish on Bonds
investing If you buy funds that own high-quality debt, you'll get a bit of income and stand a good chance of getting some price appreciation.
By James K. Glassman Published
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3 Lessons for Investors From the Tech Bubble
investing Most of Nasdaq's darlings at the 2000 peak haven't come close to regaining their value.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Time to Buy Chinese Stocks
stocks China's domestic consumers are willing to spend, giving the economy a sounder footing.
By James K. Glassman Published
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James K. Glassman's 10 Stock Picks for 2015
investing Google trades at a price-earnings ratio of 19, an attractive valuation for a great company.
By James K. Glassman Published
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How to Be a Better Investor
Investor Psychology When I feel a passion to buy or sell a stock or fund, I question my impulse and test whether the opposite position isn't better.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Small Stocks Hold Big Potential
investing Small caps are especially attractive now because they are out of favor, and over the long term little companies beat big ones.
By James K. Glassman Published
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7 Great Stocks for the Next 15 Years
investing When you purchase a stock, you should think of yourself as a partner in the business forever—or until you need the cash.
By James K. Glassman Published
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7 Stocks to Buy and Hold for the Next 15 Years
stocks Some of Disney's prime assets are folks who never ask for a raise, including Goofy, Cinderella and Luke Skywalker.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Investors, Are You Ready for the Next Global Crisis?
Investor Psychology It's not a question of if, but when, some cataclysm will hit markets. Here are some ways to prepare.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Playing a Soft Housing Market
investing All those kids in their twenties and thirties who are living with their parents will eventually want their own homes.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why I (Still) Hate Gold
investing The yellow metal has a mystique. But when all is said and done, it is just another commodity.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why I Like Facebook and These 6 Other New-Media Stocks
investing The field is clearly becoming more crowded, but Facebook's brand remains strong.
By James K. Glassman Published
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5 Tactics That Help Patient Investors Prosper
investing Behavior determines investment success or failure -- not knowledge or skill or luck.
By James K. Glassman Published
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6 Great Mutual Funds That Benefit From Small Portfolios
mutual funds A manageable portfolio holds between 20 and 30 stocks, roughly balanced by sector and weighted fairly equally.
By James K. Glassman Published
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4 Newspaper Stocks With Turnaround Potential
investing The industry may be struggling, but revolutionary management can help make some businesses a good investment.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Build Your Own Hedge Fund
investing You should reserve a small part of your portfolio for investments that don’t move closely with the stock market.
By James K. Glassman Published