James K. Glassman
Latest articles by James K. Glassman
Today's Best Values
investing A company that pays out a lot of cash in proportion to its price is a good buy.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Playing the China Card
Markets Your retirement portfolio should hold shares of companies in this rapidly growing economy.
By James K. Glassman Published
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How to Hedge Your Bets
Markets Concerned about the market? Build yourself an insurance policy against future disaster.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Ersatz Stock Funds
investing A stock fund with no stocks? That was the key to success in 2008. But was the manager acting in the best interest of shareholders?
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Past Is Still a Guide
Investor Psychology I prefer history, for all its flaws, to my own subjective guesses about the future.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Madoff Antidote
investing Time to get back to the basics of investing. Plus here are some high-yielding, financially solid companies to consider for your own common-sense portfolio.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Keep the Best Company
Markets Think of your investments as businesses in the real world, then join up with the best of the best. Here are some stellar suggestions.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Power Play on Wall Street
investing Is it any wonder that Warren Buffet has been scooping up utilities for Berkshire Hathaway?
By James K. Glassman Published
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Continuing Education
Markets Talk about a smart investment: Education stocks should do well over the next ten, 20 or 30 years. The business will keep growing.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Exotic Blue Chips
Foreign Stocks & Emerging Markets Companies in developing countries are worth owning as well-run, profitable, global businesses.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Stocks on My Short List
Markets Ten worthy investments for 2008, culled from some of the best stock pickers in the industry.
By James K. Glassman Published
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My Favorite Fund
investing I've found a champion with high consistency, comfortable risk levels and a low expense ratio.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Dangers of Selling Short
Markets The odds are stacked against you. The economy grows, and so do companies that take part in it.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Upside of Risk
Markets If you want higher returns, you have to accept the thrills and spills that accompany them.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Bargains in Real Estate Stocks
investing Stick with REITS that have all their assets in office buildings and industrial and retail space.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Place to Be Is Energy
Markets Higher oil prices are coming. The case for global growth and political turmoil is too compelling.
By James K. Glassman Published
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The Mega-Cap Portfolio
Markets As a whole, this supersize portfolio has handily beaten Standard & Poor's 500-stock index over the past year.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Don't Retire Your Stocks
investing Because we're living longer, we need a good deal more money to support ourselves in retirement.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Europe Still Sizzles
Markets All of the reasons for liking European stocks when I wrote about them two years ago still apply.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Two Ways to Play Financials
Markets I'm no market timer, but if you don't own enough financial services, this may be a good time to jump in.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why Stocks Are a Bargain
Markets Over the long term, which are less risky for the reward they offer -- stocks or bonds?
By James K. Glassman Published
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Why Ford Stock Is a Leap of Faith
Markets Identifying potentially misspriced stocks, such as Ford Motor, can help you beat the market -- but success is hard to come by.
By James K. Glassman Published
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My 10 Stocks for 2007
Markets My list for 2006 returned 33% -- my best-ever margin over the S&P 500. This year, I try it again.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Great Companies on Sale
Markets There are high-quality, growing businesses trading at value-stock prices. What more could you want?
By James K. Glassman Published