Janet Bodnar
Janet Bodnar is editor-at-large of Kiplinger's Personal Finance, a position she assumed after retiring as editor of the magazine after eight years at the helm. She is a nationally recognized expert on the subjects of women and money, children's and family finances, and financial literacy. She is the author of two books, Money Smart Women and Raising Money Smart Kids. As editor-at-large, she writes two popular columns for Kiplinger, "Money Smart Women" and "Living in Retirement." Bodnar is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University and is a member of its Board of Trustees. She received her master's degree from Columbia University, where she was also a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Business and Economics Journalism.
Latest articles by Janet Bodnar
The Virtues of Volunteering
Empty Nesters To find your niche, focus on activities that pique your interest, and don't overcommit.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Empty Nesters -
Fulfilling Ways to Spend Retirement
Empty Nesters Community service, religious pursuits and personal interests top the list.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Empty Nesters -
A Talk With Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz
Women & Money Investing is the key to building a nest egg that will last a long lifetime, says Schwab-Pomerantz.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Women & Money -
Closing the Confidence Gap
Women & Money Since the start of the pandemic, women have become more involved in their financial futures.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Women & Money -
Finding a Sense of Purpose in Retirement
Healthy Living on a Budget Religion and mentorship are both fulfilling paths for retirees.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Healthy Living on a Budget -
Peering Past the Pandemic
Travel I’m looking forward to a time when lunches with the girls (or guys), volunteering and travel will resume.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Travel -
Women, Invest in Yourself
Women & Money Morningstar's Christine Benz tells women to match investment risk to their longer life expectancy.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Women & Money -
Fulfilling Ways to Spend Your Time in Retirement
Healthy Living on a Budget Human creativity is unlimited: Just look at the activities retirees find to fill their days.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Healthy Living on a Budget -
Fresh Voices in Personal Finance
Women & Money An impressive number of young women have entered the personal finance field via blogs, websites and social media.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Women & Money -
The Joys of Being Retired
Empty Nesters More freedom, being able to give back, and time to deepen relationships are common themes in your e-mails.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Empty Nesters -
Lessons for Kids From the Crisis
savings One of the greatest opportunities presented by the pandemic is to give children an appreciation for the workings of the economy.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
Staying Calm in a Crisis
Making Your Money Last Keep a stock allocation that you can live with and still sleep well.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Making Your Money Last -
A Salute to Money Smart Moms
savings Today's mothers are in a perfect position to share their experiences in the workforce and as investors.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
Expect Surprises in Retirement
Making Your Money Last Financially, your experiences have been mixed—and sometimes eye-opening.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Making Your Money Last -
Family Finances Are a Joint Project
Financial Planning Make sure you have access to key accounts, and keep things as simple as possible.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
Make Time for a Retirement Checkup
Investor Psychology Retirees are inclined to invest more conservatively, so chances are you don’t have as much money in stocks as you should.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Investor Psychology -
Advice From Confident Investors
investing Take advantage of publications, podcasts, adult ed classes and other resources, including family members.
By Janet Bodnar Published
investing -
Hitting My Stride In Retirement
retirement We’ve visited nine national parks since we retired, and next year we’re heading to Acadia in Maine.
By Janet Bodnar Published
retirement -
What Women Want in a Financial Adviser
Financial Planning They’re put off by aggressive sales tactics and excessive jargon.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
How to Be a Confident Investor
Investor Psychology You don’t have to be an expert. Start with your employer’s retirement savings plan.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Investor Psychology -
Retired and Single: Readers Weigh In
retirement Retired life as a single person doesn't have to be lonesome. Finding hobbies that require you to socialize can make all the difference.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Should You Move or Stay Put in Retirement?
retirement Before buying in a new place, rent for at least one year, or one season, to see if you like it.
By Janet Bodnar Published
retirement -
Make Sure Your Spouse Has Your Passwords
insurance It’s critical for women to have access to key financial information as well as passwords to electronic records and devices.
By Janet Bodnar Published
insurance -
Tips for Retirees Who Are Single
investing Some retirees work part time or take a class to maintain social connections.
By Janet Bodnar Published