Janet Bodnar
Janet Bodnar is editor-at-large of Kiplinger's Personal Finance, a position she assumed after retiring as editor of the magazine after eight years at the helm. She is a nationally recognized expert on the subjects of women and money, children's and family finances, and financial literacy. She is the author of two books, Money Smart Women and Raising Money Smart Kids. As editor-at-large, she writes two popular columns for Kiplinger, "Money Smart Women" and "Living in Retirement." Bodnar is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University and is a member of its Board of Trustees. She received her master's degree from Columbia University, where she was also a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Business and Economics Journalism.
Latest articles by Janet Bodnar
The Ticking Debt Bomb
Economic Forecasts In this exclusive interview, Erskine Bowles discusses his mission to rein in our nation’s debt. Small changes now can avert a crisis, he says, but time is running short.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Economic Forecasts -
Taking Care of Mom
Caregiving Your parent always needs a health care or financial advocate.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Caregiving -
How to Grade Colleges
College Rankings We give extra credit to schools that hold down debt and get kids out in four years.
By Janet Bodnar Published
College Rankings -
5 Ways to Reduce Student-Loan Debt
Paying for College Readers share their ideas on how to keep student debt under control.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
Investors, Keep the Faith
Investor Psychology If you succumb to an unhealthy fear of stocks, you've committed one of our seven deadly sins of investing.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Investor Psychology -
How to Keep Student-Loan Debt Under Control
Paying for College Families shouldn't borrow more than their child's expected salary after graduation.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
Our Take on Obamacare
insurance A lot of money is being spent to teach people to do what we've been writing about all along.
By Janet Bodnar Published
insurance -
How Students Can Improve Their Chances of Getting a Job
college Follow these tips to be prepared when you enter the labor force.
By Janet Bodnar Published
college -
How to Handle Back-to-School Shopping With Teens
spending Set a budget and ask your kids to use their own money to keep spending under control.
By Janet Bodnar Published
spending -
Three Ways to Teach Kids About Money
savings Use these strategies to make financial lessons fun and easy to understand.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
6 Rules for Living With Your Boomerang Kid
savings Agree on how long they'll stay, what the house rules will be and how much they'll pay.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
How to Raise Your Child's Financial IQ
Budgeting Here are five lessons to help kids increase their knowledge about personal finance.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Budgeting -
How to Keep Prom Costs Under Control
spending Parents need to take an active role in the planning.
By Janet Bodnar Published
spending -
Hope for Retirement
retirement I don't foresee a world in which retirees are camped out en masse on the sidewalk.
By Janet Bodnar Published
retirement -
Teaching Kids to Save
savings Here's how to help children learn to set goals and reach them.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
How Parents Can Be Financial Role Models
savings Set a good example and find time to talk with your kids about money.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
The Best Way to Build Wealth
savings Get into the habit of saving and investing early.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
4 Ways to Make Financial Literacy Work
savings Take things one step at a time and make lessons fun and relevant.
By Janet Bodnar Published
savings -
Financial Lessons From Downton Abbey
Financial Planning You need skills to manage your financial resources because so much of the responsibility is on you.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
Financial Literacy: Does It Work?
Financial Planning You can’t expect much if you take only one class in high school.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
A New Look for Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
business The new pictures of our columnists reflect the personalities of the people you enjoy reading.
By Janet Bodnar Published
business -
Not a Fan of the Justin Bieber Prepaid Card
credit & debt Janet Bodnar explains why parents shouldn't get the latest celebrity-endorsed debit card for their kids.
By Janet Bodnar Published
credit & debt -
How Would You Spend an Extra $1,000?
Making Your Money Last A grand might not sound like all that much, but our readers sure know how to stretch it.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Making Your Money Last -
How to Handle Allowances
spending Janet Bodnar responds to readers' conflicting points of view about whether to pay kids for doing chores.
By Janet Bodnar Published