Janet Bodnar
Janet Bodnar is editor-at-large of Kiplinger's Personal Finance, a position she assumed after retiring as editor of the magazine after eight years at the helm. She is a nationally recognized expert on the subjects of women and money, children's and family finances, and financial literacy. She is the author of two books, Money Smart Women and Raising Money Smart Kids. As editor-at-large, she writes two popular columns for Kiplinger, "Money Smart Women" and "Living in Retirement." Bodnar is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University and is a member of its Board of Trustees. She received her master's degree from Columbia University, where she was also a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Business and Economics Journalism.
Latest articles by Janet Bodnar
Don't Tie Allowance to Chores
savings Parents shouldn't use money to motivate kids to help out around the house.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Personal Finance Advice for College Students
Budgeting Here's what students heading off to school this fall need to know about managing money.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Budgeting -
Earn More Dividends
investing For Mary, Andy and everyone else starved for income, we serve up a full plate this month.
By Janet Bodnar Published
investing -
Avoid the Student-Loan Debt Trap
college How do you make the most of student loans without getting in over your head?
By Janet Bodnar Published
college -
Help Your Kids Establish Financial Independence
savings Set ground rules if your adult children move back in, offer advice only when asked and be selective about providing financial help.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Games, Books and Web Sites That Teach Kids Money Skills
savings These resources will help kids of all ages learn about personal finance.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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How to Teach Kids to Handle Credit Cards
credit & debt This four-step plan will help prepare your children to control their spending, pay bills on time and avoid fees.
By Janet Bodnar Published
credit & debt -
Introducing the Kip App
savings Available on the iPad, our new app is so cool I can hardly stand it, and I invite you to see for yourself.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Getting Kids to Start Saving Money
savings Tips for turning your good intentions into money in the piggy bank (or a real one) for preschool through high school.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Alice Rivlin: "We're Flirting with Disaster"
Economic Forecasts The Former White House budget chief thinks Congress squandered its opportunity to rein in the national debt but may still come to its senses.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Economic Forecasts -
4 Ways to Teach Kids the Joy of Holiday Giving
savings Get your family into the holiday spirit with traditions that encourage generosity year-round.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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5 Ways to Put Santa on a Budget
Budgeting Holiday spending can easily get out of control. These tricks will help.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Budgeting -
A Reality Check for Young Adults
savings Yes, times are tough, as illustrated by the struggles of many Occupy Wall Street protestors. We're here to help with practical steps that young adults should take to maintain financial security.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Picking the Best of Everything in 2011
Smart Buying We picked the brains of our staff experts to find out which blogs and other resources they swear by.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Smart Buying -
The Last Word on Kids and Cash
savings What your children need to know about money and how to teach them.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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How to Limit Student-Loan Debt
Paying for College Follow these six steps to keep borrowing for college under control.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
Lighten the Burden of Student Loans
Paying for College Find out if you qualify for a loan forgiveness program or a more-lenient repayment plan.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
What College Students Need to Know About Money
college Before heading off to school, brush up on some personal finance basics.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Debit-Card Swipe Fees Costing You?
Business Costs & Regulation We could end up paying higher bank fees without seeing a reduction in retail store prices.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Business Costs & Regulation -
Financial Advice for People at All Income Levels
Financial Planning We strive to include stories that are of broad interest to readers at all income levels.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
Does Financial Education Work?
Financial Planning Studies show that money lessons have to be relevant to kids' immediate experiences.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Financial Planning -
What I Learned at the Morningstar Conference
investing Top fund managers and investment gurus shared their outlooks on everything from emerging markets to municipal bonds.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Pay Kids for Good Grades?
savings Consider rewards other than cash compensation to encourage your children to do well in school.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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8 Financial Gifts for Mom
spending This advice will help you give your mother a money makeover.
By Janet Bodnar Published