Janet Bodnar
Janet Bodnar is editor-at-large of Kiplinger's Personal Finance, a position she assumed after retiring as editor of the magazine after eight years at the helm. She is a nationally recognized expert on the subjects of women and money, children's and family finances, and financial literacy. She is the author of two books, Money Smart Women and Raising Money Smart Kids. As editor-at-large, she writes two popular columns for Kiplinger, "Money Smart Women" and "Living in Retirement." Bodnar is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University and is a member of its Board of Trustees. She received her master's degree from Columbia University, where she was also a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Business and Economics Journalism.
Latest articles by Janet Bodnar
Secrets to Landing a Job
business The job market seems to be picking up, but the positions still go to those who hustle.
By Janet Bodnar Published
business -
Inside the 2011 Kiplinger 25
Kip 25 Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we've chosen this year's list of our favorite no-load mutual funds.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Kip 25 -
10 Tips to Build -- and Stick to -- a Better Budget
Budgeting Understand where, when and how you're spending your money.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Budgeting -
6 Key Questions Before You Teach Kids About Money
savings To mark National Financial Literacy Month, here are the most frequently asked questions on the subject of kids and money.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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7 Tricky Kids-and-Money Challenges to Anticipate
savings To mark National Financial Literacy Month, here are more frequently asked questions on the subject of kids and money.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Outrageous Kid Parties
spending The new show about over-the-top birthdays for children demonstrates that some parents' spending on their kids has gone too far.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Make Good Financial Decisions
credit & debt Financial literacy isn't just for kids.
By Janet Bodnar Published
credit & debt -
Ten Secrets to Saving
savings Write down your goals. Pledging to save $2,000 for a vacation to Cancun is likely to get you there.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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5 Sources of Financial Friction for Couples
credit & debt Follow these techniques to identify money conflicts and ease tensions.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Should You Pay Kids to Shovel Snow?
savings Whether (and how much) you compensate neighborhood kids for their help depends on the circumstances.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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7 Financial Tips From Money-Smart Young Women
credit & debt Janet Bodnar asks twentysomethings to share what financial advice has been most helpful to them.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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RIP for Retirement?
retirement More retirees today get income from 401(k)s than they ever did from traditional pensions.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Why I Don't Like Prepaid Cards for Kids
credit & debt The Kardashian Kard aimed at teens was quickly pulled off the market because of its high fees. Other prepaid cards aren't a good idea, either.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Elizabeth Warren Explains What We Can Expect from the New Consumer Agency
Politics The Harvard law professor, who is coordinating the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, sets her sights on simplified forms for credit cards and mortgages.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Putting Santa on a Budget
Smart Buying Here are five ways to keep holiday spending on your kids under control.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Smart Buying -
The College Debt Trap
Paying for College You can’t expect 18-year-olds to understand what they’re getting into by taking out loans.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
The Top 10 Ways to Save Money
savings Janet Bodnar shares her most practical and effective strategies for spending less and keeping more cash in your pocket.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Sensible Tactics to Reduce Student Debt
credit & debt My column listing seven strategies to avoid the student-debt trap generated some lively and thoughtful questions and comments. Jessie from California notes that once her child goes to college, she plans to use the $1,000 a month she’s now paying for after-school care to pay for a “great public college” in her state.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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What Ails the Economy
Markets With confidence and certainty running low, we're suffering from a huge deficiency of vitamin C.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Markets -
7 Strategies to Avoid the Student-Debt Trap
Paying for College There are ways to pay for college without relying too heavily on loans.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Paying for College -
Minding Your Money
investing Going one-on-one with managers and advisers helps us evaluate their investing strategies.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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5 Financial Lessons for College Students
college Follow these tips so your kids will score well when it comes to managing money while away at school.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Born to Spend
credit & debt Will Americans' conversion to thrift stick? My gut tells me no.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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The 8% Solution
Markets What rate of return should investors expect these days?
By Janet Bodnar Published