Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq.
Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. is the lead asset protection and tax partner at the national full-service law firm of Falcon Rappaport & Berkman. With more than 30 years of experience in designing and implementing integrated estate planning and asset protection structures, Mr. Verdon serves affluent families and successful business owners in solving their most complex and vexing estate tax, income tax, and asset protection goals and objectives.
Over the past four years, he has contributed 25 articles to the Kiplinger Building Wealth online platform.
Phone: 949-333-8150 | Email: | Website:
Latest articles by Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq.
Nine Types of Trusts for High-Net-Worth Estates
Trusts can help high-net-worth estate owners protect their assets, minimize taxes for beneficiaries and ensure their money goes where they want it to.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Last updated
How to Protect Your Digital Assets From Estate Tax
Estate planning is critical to ensure heirs don't get hit with millions in estate taxes after you die. You can also protect your digital assets from litigation.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
Gifts to Minors: LLCs Can Protect Them from Creditors and Predators
family savings You’ve decided to fund a Uniform Gifts to Minor Account, but have you thought about how to make sure that legacy will be secure?
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Last updated
family savings -
Protecting Your Home from Lawsuits with a Dynasty Trust
real estate An irrevocable dynasty trust can play a valuable role in keeping the valuable equity in your home safe from personal and business-related lawsuits.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
real estate -
Could Diversity Hiring Efforts Endanger Your Company?
small business Sometimes trying to do the right thing backfires, ending in an expensive lawsuit. Here are some thoughts on how business owners can protect their companies and themselves.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
small business -
Intellectual Property: A Big Asset You Didn’t Know Your Business Had
small business Before you sell your business – hopefully long before – you need to figure out what your intellectual property assets are and what they’re worth.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
small business -
Got Cash on Hand? How to Protect It from Lawsuits
estate planning Over 15 million lawsuits are filed annually in this country. Are your liquid assets protected? An asset protection trust could help. Here’s how.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
estate planning -
Exes, Stepchildren and Your Will: A Cautionary Tale
estate planning Don’t be like Bob. After his divorce, he failed to update his estate plan, which listed his stepdaughter as a beneficiary.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
estate planning -
Is This the Year to Lower Your Taxes While Helping the Environment?
real estate investing Going solar, whether for your home or for a commercial project, can bring along with it powerful tax credits for the next several years.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
real estate investing -
Is Private Insurance the ‘New Kid on the Block’?
insurance For businesses worried about covering themselves for enterprise risks that are unexpected or even unthinkable, Private Insurance can offer some protection, along with a possible investment opportunity.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
insurance -
Wealthy Should Act Now to Prepare for Bernie Sanders’s Estate Tax Proposal
estate planning Anyone with an estate of $3.5 million or more should think about getting in line now to talk to an estate professional, because offices everywhere are busy dealing with proposed changes to our estate and gift tax policies.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
estate planning -
A Creative Way to Divorce-Proof Your Premarital Assets
Divorce If the full-disclosure aspect of a prenup agreement is a sticking point for you, an irrevocable trust could be an interesting way around the issue.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
Divorce -
Gifts vs. Loans: Don’t Be Generous to a Fault
personal finance What most of you would think of as a “loan to a family member” the IRS may consider a “gift” instead. And that can be a very expensive difference of opinion.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
personal finance -
With Estate Taxes on Sale Now, You Snooze, You Lose!
tax planning You may want to consider gifting your home — or maybe a fractional interest in it — as well as using an irrevocable trust before it’s too late.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
tax planning -
Exit Strategies for Charitable Remainder Trusts
estate planning CRTs offer tax and income-planning flexibility as life changes over the years.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
estate planning -
High-Level Strategies to Protect Your Wealth from the Wolf at the Door
retirement From foreign asset protection trusts to a preferred partnership freeze and bankruptcy planning, there are several options to ensure your long-term financial health in these trying times.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
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Wealthy Families Have a Rare Opportunity to Avoid Estate Taxes
retirement The unique financial climate ushered in by the coronavirus offers well-off investors the chance to implement a little-known estate-planning strategy called the Preferred Partnership Freeze.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
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Estate and Tax Planning in These Unexpected Times
taxes The serious health and economic crises families everywhere are facing right now have left them with many questions. Take a look at answers to a couple of questions that could give you ideas about your own plans.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
taxes -
Want a Second Passport? Here Are 3 Countries You Can Buy Your Way Into the EU
Travel Quality of life, health care and the freedom to spend unlimited time in Europe are a few reasons why people are looking into citizenship programs in Malta, Cyprus and Portugal.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
Travel -
The Do Over Trust: Protecting Your Adult Children from Themselves
retirement Once an irrevocable trust is set up with the best of intentions for your children, it's set in stone, and you're out of luck if circumstances change ... or are you? In some cases, you may be able to undo, or "decant," the trust.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
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A Risk That Could Cost You Everything: The Dunning-Kruger Effect
retirement You don’t know what you don't know. (And once you realize what you didn't know, well, it may be too late.)
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
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Your Estate Could be Bankrupt Unless You Protect Against This
retirement Whether you’re a successful business owner, a family of wealth or just average, middle-class folks, if you haven’t prepared for the possibility of lawsuits — baseless or not — your legacy could be on the line.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
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Alaska Court Just KO'd Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Making Your Money Last If you have assets you want to protect from lawsuits, you might want to try something other than a DAPT in the wake of a recent court ruling. A foreign asset protection trust will be safer, instead.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published
Making Your Money Last -
There is No Place Like Home: Mature Foreign Asset Protection Trusts Are Coming Home
retirement The 10-year time limit is expiring for a raft of foreign asset trusts, and those who hold them could benefit in several ways now by redomiciling them to the United States.
By Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq. Published