Kevin McCormally
Latest articles by Kevin McCormally
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
business You had me at the title: How not to be wrong. Please, order a copy for everyone on the staff, I thought, but be sure to delete that scary “m” word in the subtitle.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Retirees, Take a Midyear Tax Checkup
retirement If any of the following changes are part of your life this year, the tax impact may be far more significant than anything Congress does.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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A 50-Year Plan for Retirement Savings
retirement Contributing to your grandchild's Roth IRA could be a do-it-yourself solution to the impending Social Security crisis.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How Misinformation From Social Security Can Cost You Tens of Thousands of Dollars
retirement We’ll put you on the right path to maximize your benefits.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Retirees, Cut Your Taxes With These Moves
retirement For now, trimming your tax tab is up to you, not the men and women in Washington who write the tax law.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Paying Taxes for a Hired Caregiver
Caregiving The nanny tax isn't just for Mary Poppins. It covers any household employee including housekeepers, gardeners and caregivers.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Deduct Job-Hunting Expenses on Your 2016 Tax Return
Feature The tax break can apply even if you didn't land a new job.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Should You Invest in the Dogs of the Dow Stocks?
retirement These temporarily out-of-favor stocks can deliver both strong dividend payouts and share-price appreciation in the year ahead.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How to Get a Tax Break for Airline Baggage Fees
Tax Breaks Self-employed taxpayers may be eligible for the write-off.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Deduct Out-of-Pocket Charitable Deductions on Your 2016 Tax Return
Feature Helping a charity? Don't forget to write off small expenditures plus mileage on your car.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Tip for Your 2016 Return: Write Off Home Refinancing Points
Feature Get a tax break when you refinance your mortgage.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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2016 Tax Return Tip: Deduct Student-Loan Interest Paid by Your Parents
Feature Write off the interest as long as you're not claimed as a dependent.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Last Chance for 0% Capital Gains?
Tax Breaks A special tax break for small investors could fall victim to tax reform next year. The final days of 2016 may be your last chance to cash in.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How to Beat the Crooks to Your Tax Refund
taxes The sooner you file your 2016 return, the less likely the bad guys will get to your money before you do.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Tip 2016: Moving Expenses for Your First Job
Feature You can claim the tax write-off as long as your first job is at least 50 miles away from home.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Why You Need a Roth IRA
Roth IRAs With this indispensable savings tool, your money grows tax-free, you can invest in almost anything and you get several cool perks.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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Tax Tip 2016: Tax Credits for Home Energy Efficiency
Feature It's the last year to snag an energy tax break on new windows, solar and more.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Tip 2016: Deduct State Sales Taxes
Feature You might come out ahead on your federal tax return if you do.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Most-Overlooked Tax Breaks for New College Grads
Tax Breaks Because federal tax law reaches deep into all aspects of our lives, it’s no surprise that the rules that affect us change as our lives change.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Retirees, Save on Taxes With This RMD-to-Charity Alternative
retirement Figuring out which RMD strategy will produce the best payoff can be complicated, but also quite valuable.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Most-Overlooked Tax Breaks for New Parents
Tax Breaks Because federal tax law reaches deep into all aspects of our lives, it’s no surprise that the rules that affect us change as our lives change.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Last-Chance Moves for Retirees to Cut Their 2016 Tax Bill
retirement Take these steps before the end of the year to lessen your chances of getting hit hard on your next tax return.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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QLACs Can Deliver Late-in-Life Income
retirement Here's what you need to know about qualified longevity annuity contracts.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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What Happens to Your 401(k) When You Die – Like It or Not
401(k)s If a married 401(k) saver dies, the funds almost always go to the spouse.
By Kevin McCormally Published