Kevin McCormally
Latest articles by Kevin McCormally
How Retirees Can Avoid a Big Spring Tax Bill
taxes Use withholding, quarterly payments and RMDs to determine when the IRS taxes your retirement income.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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My Wife and I Just Used the File-and-Suspend Tactic to Boost Our Social Security Benefits
retirement If you’ll be 66 by April 30, you owe it to yourself to see if this disappearing claiming strategy makes sense for your family.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Time Running Out on Popular File-and-Suspend Social Security Claiming Strategy
retirement Those eligible must apply by April 29 to take advantage of the benefit-boosting strategy known as file-and-suspend.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Beware New Twist on IRS Tax Scam
taxes If someone calls and says they're from the IRS, they're almost certainly not.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Obama's Budget Threatens Retirement Tax Breaks
Tax Breaks Ancients studied animal entrails.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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9 Costly Mistakes Taxpayers Make
taxes For as much as Americans complain about paying taxes, we sure leave a lot of money on the table—thanks to poor tax planning, sloppy filing and the sheer complexity of the tax code.
By Sandra Block Published
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12 Valuable Tax Breaks Congress Has Brought Back to Life
Tax Breaks In its endearing (if infuriating) way, Congress left a package of tax cuts under the tree as lawmakers beat a hasty retreat from Washington for the Christmas holiday.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Some Social Security Loopholes Will Still Be Around in 2016
social security Dead-of-night negotiations axed two benefit-boosting tactics. But millions can still cash in.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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8 Smart Mid-Year Tax Moves to Make Right Now
taxes How you doin’ with those New Year’s Resolutions?
By Kevin McCormally Published
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3 Social Security Facts That Are Key to Bigger Benefits
retirement Not understanding this retirement program could cost you real money in the future.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Don't Pay Extra to Pay Your Taxes
Feature You'll get hit with hefty fees if you put your IRS tax bill on a credit card.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Obamacare and Your Tax Return
Feature Filing taxes just got a bit trickier due to the Affordable Care Act.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Planning for Same-Sex Couples
taxes Whether legally married or registered as domestic partners, gay and lesbian couples from certain states and the District of Columbia can file joint tax returns.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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What the New SEC Rules Mean for Your Money Market Funds
investing Don't fret the rumors. The funds individuals invest in will be safer than ever—and just as boring.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Burger King Shareholders Can Dodge a Whopper of a Tax Bill
taxes The Burger King/Tim Hortons merger is structured to let shareholders have it their way when it comes to taxes.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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A Brief History of the Federal Gasoline Tax
spending The government has been taxing our fuel for over 80 years—and right from the get-go, the money was going to things other than roads and bridges.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How Much Would a Gasoline Tax Increase Cost You?
savings More-efficient cars and crumbling infrastructure have run the Highway Trust Fund dry. A steep increase to the gas tax is one possibility to fill it again.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Kiplinger's Tax Glossary: Tax Terms You Need to Know
Tax Breaks Does filling out your return have you confused? Our tax glossary defines every tax term — and the tax rule it relates to — you ever needed to know.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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The Kiplinger Taxopedia: What's Deductible?
taxes From property taxes to student-loan interest to child-care expenses, find all your tax deductions in our encyclopedias. We’ve crammed each one with the information you need to file your tax return ... and hold your tax bill to the legal minimum.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Poll Finds Veterans are Likely Losing Out on Social Security Benefits
social security This Veterans Day, veterans, plus their widows and widowers, will be given free access to a powerful online tool to help them maximize lifetime benefits from Social Security.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Free Social Security Advice for U.S. Veterans
retirement On November 11, our powerful online tool will create personalized financial strategies for U.S. veterans.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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President Obama’s Mortgage Dilemma
real estate Yes, you would benefit from refinancing your Chicago home, Mr. President. But you could also gain by paying down your high-interest loan.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Get the Most From Social Security
retirement For couples, timing is everything.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Don't Gamble on Social Security
retirement Reap lifetime financial rewards by pinpointing the best time to start your benefits.
By Kevin McCormally Published