Kimberly Lankford
As the "Ask Kim" columnist for Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Lankford receives hundreds of personal finance questions from readers every month. She is the author of Rescue Your Financial Life (McGraw-Hill, 2003), The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance -- and Still Get the Coverage You Need (Kaplan, 2006), Kiplinger's Ask Kim for Money Smart Solutions (Kaplan, 2007) and The Kiplinger/BBB Personal Finance Guide for Military Families. She is frequently featured as a financial expert on television and radio, including NBC's Today Show, CNN, CNBC and National Public Radio.
Latest articles by Kimberly Lankford
8 Steps for Your Annual 401(k) Checkup
retirement If your 401(k) has been on autopilot for months, take time now to give your retirement account its annual checkup.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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10 Smart Steps to Minimize Taxes and Penalties on Your RMDs
taxes After you turn age 70½, you need to start taking required minimum distributions from your IRAs and 401(k)s every year.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Make the Most of Potential Tax Deductions Under the New Tax Law
taxes With some year-end planning, you may still find it worthwhile to file an itemized return to lower your 2018 tax bill.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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How to Endow a Scholarship
savings There may be contribution minimum requirements to set up a scholarship in your area. Here's what you need to know.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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How to Avoid Paying 17 Pesky Fees
spending Fees aren’t just annoying—they’re expensive.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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Using 529-Plan Money for College Overseas
529 Plans If your son or daughter plans to attend college abroad, here's what you should know.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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What You Need to Know About Taxes on Rental Income
taxes Before renting out your home, familiarize yourself with the tax implications.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Buying Health Insurance? The Outlook Is Brighter
insurance As you navigate new low-cost choices, weigh the risks.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Deadlines for 529 College-Savings Plan Distributions
Paying for College You may be able to use the 529 money for more expenses than you thought. But you must take withdrawals in the calendar year you incur the expense.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
Paying for College -
Get a Tax Reward for Saving for Retirement
retirement If you sock away money in a retirement plan, you may be eligible for a tax credit from Uncle Sam worth up to $1,000 per person.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Year-End Financial Checkup for Military Members
Financial Planning Now is a good time to boost savings and double-check your benefits. But the most important decision to make is whether to sign up for the new Blended Retirement System.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Contribute More to Retirement Accounts in 2019
retirement Retirement savers can stash an extra $500 in IRA and 401(k) plans, and the income limits for contributing to a Roth are higher.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Estate Planning: A Family Affair
savings Use our guide to save on taxes, avoid probate and keep peace among your heirs.
By Eileen Ambrose Published
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Seasonal Hirings to Hit a Record High
business If you want to earn some extra cash for the holidays, you’ll have a better chance than ever of landing a temporary job as retailers and delivery companies announce a record number of seasonal hires.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Taxes on a Gift of Stock
capital gains tax If you give appreciated securities to children, the amount they’ll pay in taxes when they sell depends on whether they receive the shares while you’re still alive or as an inheritance.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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The Rules for Making a Tax-Free Donation from an IRA
IRAs Making tax-free gifts to charity from an IRA is gaining in popularity among older investors, thanks to changes under the new tax law. Here’s what you need to know to make a qualified charitable distribution.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Early Retirees, Manage Income to Snare a Health Insurance Subsidy
insurance Taking early retirement? Here's how to lower health insurance premiums until you're eligible for Medicare.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Does Winning the Lottery Affect Social Security Benefits?
social security The sudden windfall won't reduce your benefits. Here's why.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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8 Changes to Watch Out for During Medicare Open Enrollment for 2019
Medicare Getting ready to enroll in a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D plan for 2019?
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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What You'll Pay for Medicare Premiums in 2019
Medicare A new surcharge tier will kick in for 2019 for people with the highest incomes.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Social Security Benefits to Increase 2.8% with 2019 COLA Adjustment
social security While recipients will get a cost-of-living adjustment, workers will have more of their income subject to the Social Security tax.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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New Rules on Capital Gains
investing Rates didn’t change, but they’re pegged to your income instead of your tax bracket.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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How Parents Can Access Information on Their College Student
college You'll need the proper paperwork to obtain grades, health records.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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How Investments Are Sold When RMDs Are on Autopilot
investing The rules vary by company.
By Kimberly Lankford Published