Knight Kiplinger
Knight came to Kiplinger in 1983, after 13 years in daily newspaper journalism, the last six as Washington bureau chief of the Ottaway Newspapers division of Dow Jones. A frequent speaker before business audiences, he has appeared on NPR, CNN, Fox and CNBC, among other networks. Knight contributes to the weekly Kiplinger Letter.
Latest articles by Knight Kiplinger
Should New Residents Contribute Equally to Community Funds?
Budgeting Acknowledging building workers' helpfulness is always appropriate and welcome. But should all residents pay the same amount?
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Budgeting -
Why You Can't Trust Online Reviews
Smart Buying Online ratings services are for-profit businesses that sell ads to the same local companies their users review—a potential conflict of interest.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Smart Buying -
Government Reparations for Oppressive Acts
Business Costs & Regulation It is ethically dubious for descendants of oppressed peoples to seek reparations for wrongs done to their forebears, to be paid by contemporaries not responsible for long-ago sins.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Business Costs & Regulation -
Should I Boycott Clothing Made With Cheap Foreign Labor?
spending Workers take factory jobs in cities to improve their lives. It’s ethically better to support these workers than to boycott their products.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Should Employers Check My Credit Before Hiring?
business Credit checks should be allowed, and job applicants should have the right to explain negative information.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
business -
Should News Organizations Pay Their Sources?
Business Costs & Regulation Checkbook journalism is on the rise among mainstream broadcast networks and Internet media sites. It is a disturbing trend.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Business Costs & Regulation -
Forecasting the Future in 1963
Economic Forecasts Much has changed over the last five decades. Here's what Willard Kiplinger and The Kiplinger Letter saw coming.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Economic Forecasts -
Honoring Deceased Parents’ Wishes
spending Your siblings are under no legal obligation to help if your parents’ will is silent on a subject.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Are Speed Cameras a Trap?
Technology Camera placement should be determined by public safety concerns, not revenue potential.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Technology -
Should Nonprofits Pay Property Taxes?
Tax Breaks Because most basic services provided by cities are funded by real estate taxes, it's reasonable that every property owner should pay something.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Tax Breaks -
Should Doctors Be Barred From Accepting Perks?
business Some activists predict that broader disclosure will cause physicians to start refusing gifts and fees from the health industry.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Our Greatest Economic Forecasts of the Last 90 Years
Economic Forecasts The Rest of the Story: The Kiplinger Letter warned its readers repeatedly in the late 1920s about excessive speculation in stocks.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Economic Forecasts -
Our Greatest Tech Forecasts of the Last 90 Years
Technology The Kiplinger Letter — long famous for its economic, business and political forecasting — also alerts its readers to emerging technologies.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Technology -
Is a CEO-Led Buyout Ethical?
business Too many publicly traded companies have been taken private for too low a price, enriching the new private-equity owners at the expense of the former stockholders.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
business -
The March on Washington: A Personal Reflection
Politics Editor-in-chief Knight Kiplinger looks back to a moment on the mall 50 years ago — and explores how far we've come in realizing the goals outlined that day.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Politics -
When Permanent Alimony Makes Sense
alimony States have adopted sensible, multipart tests to help judges decide whether alimony is called for.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
alimony -
Hedge Funds: You Name It, They Trade It
investing The hedge fund manager's answers to my questions revealed what I don't like about that style of investing.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
investing -
Chill Out in a Hot Home Market
real estate The surge in home prices is bringing back the frantic "have to buy now" mentality.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
real estate -
Should I Cut Off Support for My Charity?
spending Don’t make a knee-jerk response to every issue involving a particular charity. Determine whether the organization is remaining true to its principles in its overall activities.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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A Bold 401(k) Overhaul
investing Every employer in America, regardless of size, would be required to offer an account to all employees.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
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Should Firms Share the Wealth With Workers?
Employee Benefits Companies don’t have any general moral obligation to pay more than the market dictates, but it often makes good business sense.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Employee Benefits -
Financial Security Is Still Achievable
Financial Planning Social critics argue that financial progress is impossible for most Americans in today's economy. Powerless victims? No way.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Financial Planning -
Should Creative Property Be Free Online?
Business Costs & Regulation Creative people should get paid for their talent in a variety of ways, especially by consumers of their work.
By Knight Kiplinger Published
Business Costs & Regulation -
Freebies That Charities Send in the Mail
savings You're under no moral obligation to pay for something you didn't request.
By Knight Kiplinger Published