Matthew Housiaux
Latest articles by Matthew Housiaux
Could President Biden Get Impeached? Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Republicans are currently laying the groundwork to impeach Biden, but what are their chances of success? Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Farmers Face Lower Costs, Greater Weather Risks: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Farmers Face Lower Costs, Greater Weather Risks: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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New Emissions Limits to be Introduced: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts New emissions limits to be introduced: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Biden Reelection Bid Far From Sure Bet: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Biden Reelection Bid Far From Sure Bet: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Shortages Galore Threaten Ability to Power, Heat and Cool Our Homes: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Shortages of transformers, heat pumps and air conditioning units are threatening our ability to power, heat and cool our homes.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Safety Rights for Key California Workers Could Be Tightened: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Safety Rights for Key California Workers Could Be Tightened: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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White House Probes Tracking Tech That Monitors Workers’ Productivity: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts White House probes tracking tech that monitors workers’ productivity: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Latest: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Medicare drug price negotiations: Early signs have emerged of how these key talks will be handled.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Food Prices Fell in March But Are Still Way Up Year-on-Year: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Food Prices Fell in March But Are Still Way Up Year-on-Year: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Deep-Sea Mining Applications to Start in Summer: Kiplinger Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts Deep-sea mining applications are due to start in the summer, but it's unclear when mining will actually begin.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Who Will Win the Midterm Elections This November?
The race for control of the Senate remains tight, but Republicans appear likely to take back control of both chambers of Congress.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
Who leads in which states before election day?
Economic Forecasts In a tight race, these state elections may make the difference when midterm results are announced in November.
By Sean Lengell Published
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Airline Industry Set for COVID Comeback, But It Will Be a Slow Climb
Travel The Kiplinger Letter forecasts leisure travel will soar past business travel, but air travel demand won't reach pre-pandemic levels until as late as 2024.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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7 Ways the Pandemic Will Change Big U.S. Cities
Economic Forecasts Historically, pandemics transform cities.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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9 Ways COVID-19 Will Change the 2020 Elections
Politics The 2020 election will be like no other in history, as the COVID-19 pandemic will upend the business of politics as usual.
By Sean Lengell Published
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Health Insurance Options Exist for the Newly Unemployed
insurance Special enrollment periods for Obamacare plans and expanded Medicaid coverage will help people who are suddenly out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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17 States That Will Gain or Lose Electoral-College Votes After the 2020 Census
Politics Every 10 years, the 435 seats in the House of Representatives are re-assigned based on the results of the U.S. Census. And that has huge implications not just for the Electoral College, but local funding, too.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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What's Next For Health Care, Trump's Agenda?
insurance Don't be surprised if the president's other top priorities get pushed back to 2018 and beyond.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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Big Changes for Social Security? Don't Hold Your Breath
retirement Proposals from Clinton and Trump will be helpful in shaping reform down the road.
By Matthew Housiaux Published
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9 Surprising Places Robots Will Soon Turn Up
Technology Robots working in factories, on the battle field, in hostage situations and in many other places are commonplace today.
By John Miley Published