Meilan Solly
Latest articles by Meilan Solly
Where You Can Use 3-D Printers
Technology Sources for the high-tech printing model are right around the corner.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Taxes
Politics Clinton's plan would raise taxes on the wealthy, while Trump's would cut taxes across the board.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Infrastructure
Politics Both candidates have addressed America's crumbling infrastructure, but their plans differ in scope.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Defense Spending
Politics Neither candidate plans on cutting defense spending, but they plan on sustaining spending in different ways.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Economic Growth and Jobs
Politics Clinton wants fair trade and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Trump says "Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo."
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Climate Change
Politics Clinton supports development of clean alternatives to burning oil, gas, and coal. Trump says unleashing fossil fuel production is the real U.S. challenge.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Student Debt
college Clinton wants free tuition at many public colleges and less restrictive student loan terms. Trump dislikes student debt, but his plans are not as clearly defined.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Obamacare
insurance Clinton would expand the Affordable Care Act, while Trump would rely on private plans operating across state lines.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Retirement Programs
retirement Both Clinton and Trump have pledged to protect Social Security and Medicare, but in recent weeks, Trump's advisers have hinted at a move toward cuts.
By Meilan Solly Published
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11 Ways to Cut the Cost of College Tuition
Paying for College There are lots of smart ways to save for college — including tax-advantaged 529 plans and Coverdell accounts.
By Meilan Solly Published
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Little-Known Ways to Save Hundreds Year-Round With Your Student ID
college By showing your ID or providing a university e-mail address, you can find discounts on everything from laptops to museum tickets.
By Meilan Solly Published
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How High Will Your State's Minimum Wage Be on January 1, 2017?
Business Costs & Regulation By the start of next year, 29 states and Washington, D.C., will have minimum wages higher than the federal level.
By Meilan Solly Published
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11 Top Sources of College Scholarships
Paying for College Valedictorians and star quarterbacks aren’t the only ones earning college scholarships.
By Dylan Cunningham Published
Paying for College -
9 Jobs You Won't Believe You Can Get Paid to Do
By Meilan Solly Published