Michael Aloi, CFP®
With 17 years of experience in the financial services industry, Michael Aloi specializes in working with executives, professionals and retirees. Since he joined Summit Financial, LLC, Michael has built a process that emphasizes the integration of various facets of financial planning. Supported by a team of in-house estate and income tax specialists, Michael offers his clients coordinated solutions to scattered problems. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children.
E-mail: maloi@sfr1.com | Website: www.michaelaloi.com | LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelaloi/
Latest articles by Michael Aloi, CFP®
A Widow's Broker Made a Huge Mistake
retirement A step-up in basis can be a massive tax benefit for surviving spouses, but only if it's managed correctly. And sometimes, as in this case, important details can fall through the cracks.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
retirement -
Should a Widow Pay Off Her Mortgage?
real estate For some people who lose their spouse, it could make perfect sense. For others, not so much. Here's how to judge what could be a prudent approach in this stressful and confusing time.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
real estate -
A Financial Planner's Guide to Open Enrollment
Employee Benefits As you read up on your health insurance, life insurance and other options for 2019, here are five tips to help get the most out of your workplace benefits.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
Employee Benefits -
Why I Love My Whole Life Insurance Policy
life insurance While they may not be for everyone, I feel like buying a whole life policy was one of the best financial planning decisions I ever made.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
life insurance -
3 World Cup-Inspired Investment Tips
investing Investors can take some cues from soccer's biggest event, because managing money and playing professional soccer use some strikingly similar skills.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
investing -
3 Ways to Benefit from a Roth IRA Under New Tax Law, Including a ‘Mega Backdoor Roth’
IRAs The tax benefits to Roth IRAs have always been enticing, but now they're even more attractive. Even if you think you make too much to take advantage, there are ways to get in the game.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
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What to Do with an Old Life Insurance Policy
insurance Is that life insurance policy you bought decades ago still serving a good purpose once you retire, or could you be doing something better with it?
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
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One Way to Create Income for Life and a Guaranteed Inheritance for Your Kids
Making Your Money Last Here's how I helped my client take the RMDs he didn't need and turn them into peace of mind for his children's future.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
Making Your Money Last -
The Biggest Risk Retirees Face Right Now
Making Your Money Last Those nearing retirement and those who have recently become retirees need to plan now for the possibility of a bear market. Here are two ways to do that, including one that goes against conventional wisdom.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
Making Your Money Last -
3 Tax-Planning Ideas to Help Take the Bite Out of RMDs
retirement Required minimum distributions can be the bane of many IRA owners' existence. But there are a few creative ways to reduce your income tax burden, or that of your heirs.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
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Gifting a Life Insurance Policy to a Charity
taxes One often-overlooked way to magnify your magnanimous charitable donation is to consider gifting an unneeded life insurance policy. Your gift can also come with some tax benefits.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published
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When You Lose a Loved One Who Handles All the Money
retirement It's not uncommon for one person in a couple to take the lead in finances, but that can cause big problems later on.
By Michael Aloi, CFP® Published