Nancy Bell, CFP®, CDFA™

Nancy Bell, CFP®, CDFA™

Wealth Adviser, TC Wealth Partners

Nancy Bell is a Certified Financial Planner™, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Chartered SRI Counselor™ with 25+ years of experience in personal comprehensive financial and wealth planning. She works with clients during all stages of transition and beyond. Whether a transition is planned or unexpected, she shares her expertise by helping clients navigate financial challenges brought on by pre- and post-retirement planning and living, a change in employment status, and those dealing with the loss of a partner or spouse through death or divorce. Nancy is a wealth adviser on the wealth management team, a voting member of the investment committee, and a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardner.

Phone: 630.545.3653 | Email: | Website: | LinedIn:®-cdfa®-csric™