Sarah Smith
Latest articles by Sarah Smith
The Money-Management Secrets of A 56-Year Union: “It’s Always Been Ours”
retirement Money is a frequent cause of marital friction. Not with Eddie and Sylvia Brown, however. They have kept financial concerns from coming between them. Here’s how.
By Sarah Smith Published
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3 Top Companies That Are Going to the Dogs
Feature Major corporations are adopting pet-friendly office policies as an employee perk.
By Sarah Smith Published
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10 Big Employers That Let You Bring Your Dog to Work
Employee Benefits While Donald Trump has yet to appoint a four-legged friend to walk the halls of the White House (making him the first president since William McKinley not to have a dog), his Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, made history this March when he debuted a program allowing dogs in certain government offices.
By Sarah Smith Published
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Sales Tax Holidays for Back-to-School Shoppers in 2017
savings These 16 states offer sales tax breaks on everything from computers to paintbrushes this summer.
By Sarah Smith Published
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Escape to These 11 Surprisingly Affordable Private Islands for Sale, 2016
real estate Is the idea of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as the next U.S.
By Sarah Smith Published
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Make Money From Your Social-Media Posts
business With a few simple tricks you can get paid to selfie.
By Sarah Smith Published
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Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Student Debt
college Clinton wants free tuition at many public colleges and less restrictive student loan terms. Trump dislikes student debt, but his plans are not as clearly defined.
By Meilan Solly Published