Stacy Rapacon
Rapacon joined Kiplinger in October 2007 as a reporter with Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine and became an online editor for in June 2010. She previously served as editor of the "Starting Out" column, focusing on personal finance advice for people in their twenties and thirties.
Before joining Kiplinger, Rapacon worked as a senior research associate at b2b publishing house Judy Diamond Associates. She holds a B.A. degree in English from the George Washington University.
Latest articles by Stacy Rapacon
12 Best Jobs If You Want to Be Your Own Boss
business Sometimes the best career path is the one you blaze yourself.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Best and Worst Liberal Arts Majors for Your Career
college Liberal arts studies, in general, get a bad rap when it comes to career utility.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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15 Worst College Majors for a Lucrative Career
college Whether the high cost of college is worthwhile often depends on what you study.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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15 Best Jobs With the Biggest Paychecks
business If you're hoping to rake in the biggest bucks, be ready to invest in yourself first.
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30 of the Best Jobs for the Future
careers Choosing the right career path, one that will keep you employed for decades to come, takes some calculated thought. A crystal ball wouldn't hurt, either.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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20 Worst Jobs for the Future
career paths We identified 20 dying professions job seekers should avoid in the future, based on career prospects and pay. See the list of worst jobs.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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20 Great Places to Retire in Tax-Friendly States
taxes Not to be too grim, but as you're approaching retirement, you need to think seriously about the only two certainties in this world: death and taxes.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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12 Reasons You'll Never Be a Millionaire
Investor Psychology Wealthy people usually aren't born that way.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
Investor Psychology -
Utah: #10 Best State to Retire in 2018
taxes One of our top 10 states for retirement based on financial factors, Utah has the added appeal of national parks and open vistas.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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New Hampshire: #9 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement The Granite State is the only state in the Northeast to break into the top 10 states for retirement.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Virginia: #7 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement Virginia isn't a classic retirement destination like Florida, but after ranking seventh on our list of the best states for retirement, it might become one.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Alabama: #6 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement Alabama, which ranked sixth on our list of the best states for retirement, offers retirees many of the perks of Florida for less money.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Florida: #8 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement Florida is the first state you think of when it comes to retirement, but it's the eighth state in our retirement rankings.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Tennessee: #5 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement After rating all 50 states for retirement based on financial factors, Tennessee ranked fifth on our list of best states for retirees.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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North Dakota: #4 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement North Dakota ranked a surprising fourth in the nation on our list of best states for retirees, based on health- and finance-related factors.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Georgia: #3 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement After rating all 50 states for retirement based on living costs, taxes and similar factors, Georgia ranked third on our list of best states for retirees.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Hawaii: #2 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement After rating all 50 states for retirement based everything from health care to living costs, Hawaii ranked second on our list of best states for retirees.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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South Dakota: #1 Best State to Retire in 2018
retirement After rating all 50 states for retirement based on factors including cost of living and taxes, South Dakota ranked first on our list of best states for retirees.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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10 Cheapest States Where You'll Want to Retire
retirement Affordability is a key factor in deciding your ultimate retirement destination.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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The 26 Cheapest States for Retirement
retirement Where you plan to retire has a lot to do with how much money you need to save for retirement.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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The 20 Best States for Your Retirement
retirement People approaching or just starting retirement may have plenty of life experience under their belts, but many are enjoying at least one brand-new feeling: a sense of freedom.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Best States to Retire 2018: All 50 States Ranked for Retirement
retirement We rank all 50 states for retirement from the best state to retire (South Dakota) to the worst state to retire (New York). Where does your state rank for retirement?
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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How to Fill Out a FAFSA for College Financial Aid
Paying for College What you include on the application determines how much you'll receive in grants, work-study and student loans.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
Paying for College -
5 Worst College Majors for Your Career
Feature Some fields of study can lead to low pay and limited job opportunities.
By Stacy Rapacon Published