Kevin McCormally
Latest articles by Kevin McCormally
Seven Overlooked Tax Deductions for the Self-Employed
Tax Breaks If you've recently gone into business for yourself, don't miss these sometimes overlooked credits and tax deductions for the self-employed.
By Kevin McCormally Last updated
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Most-Overlooked Tax Breaks for Retirees and People Over 65
Tax Breaks If you're over 65, don't miss out on these overlooked tax breaks for retirees.
By Kevin McCormally Last updated
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How to Handle an IRS Audit of Your Tax Return
tax returns Keys to success in handling an IRS audit include being well prepared, establishing credibility, and keeping your wits about you.
By Kevin McCormally Last updated
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The RMD Solution to the Hassle of Filing Estimated Taxes in Retirement
required minimum distributions (RMDs) If you don't need the money to live on, wait until December to take your RMD and ask the sponsor to withhold a big chunk for the IRS.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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4 Back-From-the-Dead Tax Breaks for Your 2019 Return
Tax Breaks There's a handful of tax breaks you may have heard about that keep coming back from the dead like zombies.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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3 Tax Forms That Can Accidentally Raise Your Tax Bill
taxes Protect yourself from accidentally increasing your 2017 taxes by being misled by a member of the 1099 family.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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New Pass-Through Tax Break for Retirement Income
Tax Breaks The new tax law rewards retirees and others running side gigs and small businesses with a 20% tax deduction on qualified business income.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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New Tax Law: Tips for Filing Your 2017 Tax Return
retirement All the hoopla about the tax law signed by President Trump can obscure a sneaky little secret: The rules pertaining to the 2017 tax return you're working on now are almost exactly the same as they were before Congress gave us the biggest tax overhaul in more than 30 years.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Under the New Tax Law, Is My Alimony Tax-Free?
alimony The new policy goes into effect in 2019. Older divorces can be modified to follow the new rules—if both parties agree.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How Can I Deduct Home-Equity Interest Under the New Tax Law?
Tax Breaks Still want to tap your home equity and deduct the interest? Options remain.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Capital Gains and the Kiddie Tax Under the New Tax Law
Tax Breaks Those paying the kiddie tax are in for higher rates that kick in at lower levels — but capital gains are still favored.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How the New Tax Law Affects Retirees and Retirement Planning
tax law Tax lawyers, accountants and financial planners are burning the midnight oil trying to figure out all the ins and outs of the new tax law.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Big Change Afoot for the "Kiddie Tax" Under the New Tax Law
Tax Breaks Though the exemption remains the same, the rates are quite different.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Cuts for Now. But What Happens in 2026?
taxes The new rules will be the subject of hot political debate in eight years (or sooner).
By Kevin McCormally Published
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How "Chained" Inflation Will Erode the New Tax Cuts
taxes Lower inflation adjustments mean smaller annual increases in tax brackets, standard deductions and other breaks.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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What Investors Need to Know About the New Tax Law
investing Tax lawyers and accountants are burning the midnight oil trying to figure out all the ins and outs of the new tax law.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Gaming the Mortgage Interest Deduction Under the New Tax Law
Tax Breaks The rise in the standard deduction means far fewer people will be deducting mortgage interest.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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An Investing Tax Break that Survived Under the New Tax Law
Tax Breaks Forget about deducting management fees and tax-prep costs. But margin interest you still get.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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7 Tax Forms That Can Accidentally Increase Your Tax Bill
By Kevin McCormally Published
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26 Ways the New Tax Law Will Affect Your Wallet
Tax Breaks The new year starts with a new tax law affecting every taxpayer in the land.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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10 Things Boomers Must Know About RMDs From IRAs
retirement Members of the Woodstock Generation are increasingly reaching the age at which “the establishment” demands they start unwinding their traditional IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k)s.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Last Call for Deducting Roth IRA Losses?
Roth IRAs A provision tucked into the Senate tax overhaul bill would kill a little-used but potentially valuable write-off. If you’re sitting on a loss in your Roth IRA, you may want to close the account quickly so you can share the pain with Uncle Sam.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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Tax Bill in Congress Threatens Retirement Savers
taxes A major change could be coming to Roth IRA conversion rules, and the end of the year could be your deadline to capitalize.
By Kevin McCormally Published
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The Medigap Conundrum If You Take a Job in Retirement
retirement A guide to some of the ground rules to keep your insurance intact and avoid penalties.
By Kevin McCormally Published