Give Your Budget Some Love
Budgeting Think of it as a flexible tool to prioritize—and achieve—your goals.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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Planning to Sell Your Home in Retirement? Downsize Costs Along With Space
Budgeting In this hot real estate market, consider the costs of buying and selling a house along with the expenses associated with your new digs.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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What Happens to Medicare If the Affordable Care Act Is Overturned?
Medicare Experts say if the ACA is repealed or rescinded "it would be devastating for Medicare." Here's what might happen -- and how it could be costly for you.
By Catherine Siskos Published
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Retirees, Make the Most of Your Home Equity
Budgeting A home equity loan or home equity line of credit may be perfect for your retirement finances. But don't delay; a fee increase is coming.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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A Tasty Break From the Pandemic
Business Costs & Regulation This Ohio bakery has found creative ways to stay in business—and even thrive.
By Emma Patch Published
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Insurance for Long-Term Care at Home
retirement In the wake of COVID-wracked nursing homes, increasingly more people are looking at options to age in place with long-term care insurance.
By Alina Tugend Published
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Drawing Down Retirement Savings in a Pandemic
Coronavirus and Your Money Tapping the right accounts at the right time matters. Knowing how much a retiree can spend each year without running out of savings in old age is even more important.
By Janet Kidd Stewart Published
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Why 2020 Is an 'Unprecedented Opportunity' for a Roth IRA Conversion
Financial Planning Tax advisors say you can reduce your tax bill by 30% to 40% in this unprecedented time.
By Mark Stein Published
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Choosing an Active Adult Community
Budgeting Smart tips to help you find the right place for you to land in retirement.
By Harriet Edleson Published