Explore Small business
Four Big Mistakes to Avoid if You’re Buying a Business
No. 1 is don’t listen to self-professed experts on social media and do-it-yourself coaches who might want only to make a buck. Also, to be successful, you need to go all in.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
The Critical Advantage of Early Year Tax Planning for Businesses
Tax planning is an essential part of managing a business that should be done year-round rather than just at the end of the year.
By Stephen Nalley Published
Four Tips to Make Your Sales Presentation a Winner
Being prepared and not being boring can go a long way toward persuading a potential customer to buy into what you’re offering.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
Why Business Owners Should Review Their Buy-Sell Agreements
A recent tax case now before the U.S. Supreme Court hasn’t gone well for a small business, highlighting the need for businesses using a similar (and typical) succession planning arrangement to take a look at theirs.
By John M. Goralka Last updated
What Not to Do if an Employee or Loved One Is Kidnapped
Businesses need to have a crisis plan in place so that everyone knows what to do and how to do it. Sometimes, calling the authorities isn’t recommended.
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
How Sharing Equity Can Build a More Entrepreneurial Business
Businesses that share equity with their valued employees can better motivate and retain top talent while reaping the benefits of an entrepreneurial culture.
By Heather Robertson Fortner Published
Women’s History Month: Study Shows Women Wield More Economic Power
For Women's History Month, we're highlighting a new study that shows how women are increasing their financial independence, despite the struggles they face.
By Erin Bendig Published
Four Ways Your Workplace Benefits Could Help With Your Taxes
Your employer may offer resources that can help you with your financial strategy, on top of providing potentially tax-advantaged retirement and other accounts.
By Kate Winget Published
Here's How Long Women Have to Work to Earn the Same as Men
A woman has to work about 14.5 months to earn the same as a man in 12 months. On Equal Pay Day, we look at how much women earn as a percentage of men's income.
By Kathryn Pomroy Published