
401(k)s are tax-advantaged plans that allow you to put money aside through your employer's payroll deductions. Since their inception 40 years ago, 401(k) plans have become the retirement plan of choice for most employers, largely replacing traditional pension plans. If you'd like to know more about whether a 401(k) is right for you, the different rules and how to set one up, start with our beginner's guide: 10 things you should know about 401(k)s then work your way through our other features and guides on 401(k)s to get all the information you need.
Kick the IRS to the Curb in Retirement
That 401(k) or traditional IRA you've filled with your hard-earned money could turn into a tax bomb. Before it blows, see if a Roth could help rescue you.
By Scott Mallernee, CRPC® Published
Retirement Mostly for Fortune 500 Workers, Says BlackRock CEO
Larry Fink believes that an adequately funded retirement is beyond the reach of most Americans. He has three suggestions for fixing the problem.
By Christy Bieber Published
IRA Conversion to Roth: Rules to Convert an IRA or 401(k) to a Roth IRA
An IRA conversion can give you a leg-up in retirement with tax-free income. But proceed with caution.
By Maurie Backman Published
Markets Are Down: Here's How Your Estate Can Benefit
Your estate can benefit from stock market malaise by using several creative tools. Here's how.
By Donna Fuscaldo Published
Living Solely on Portfolio Income in Retirement: Just a Fantasy?
Relying only on portfolio income is achievable for high-net-worth individuals and those with the right mix of investments. Is it for you?
By Maurie Backman Published
How to Roll Over a 401(k) in Five Steps
Here's how to roll over a 401(k) to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or even to a Roth 401(k).
By Coryanne Hicks Last updated
How To Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth After 60
retirement You can convert an IRA to a Roth no matter how old you are. But if the conversion boosts your income, it could have taxing consequences.
By Kimberly Lankford Last updated
retirement -
Eight 401(k) Mistakes That Can Tank Your Retirement
401(k) mistakes like cashing out early and not taking advantage of an employer match can upend your retirement.
By Kathryn Pomroy Last updated
8 Things No One Tells You About Retirement
Making Your Money Last As you advance toward retirement, it's a good idea to start sharpening the focus of your retirement vision.
By Rachel L. Sheedy Last updated
Making Your Money Last