General Electric (GE)
5 Stocks We Love
Markets These companies will continue to flourish long after the Valentine's Day roses wilt.
By Elizabeth Leary Published
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Safe Bets in Troubled Times
Markets Stocks may continue to tumble because of the credit crunch. But investors should continue to hold large-company stocks with little debt and strong overseas sales.
By Thomas M. Anderson Published
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General Electric: Back in the Spotlight
Markets Strong second-quarter earnings gave the languishing shares of this giant conglomerate a boost.
By Thomas M. Anderson Published
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Promising Ways to Invest in Nuclear Energy
Markets After simmering on the back burner for decades, generators of nuclear-powered electricity are all fired up.
By David Landis Published
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General Electric: New Energy?
Markets This household name wants to excite investors and spur growth by meeting the world's need for more-efficient and cleaner sources of energy.
By Staff Published