Investing for Income
The Best Fidelity Funds for 401(k) Retirement Savers
Investing for Income Fidelity funds are renowned for their managers' stock-picking prowess. We rate Fidelity's best actively managed funds that are popular in 401(k) plans, including its target-date solutions.
By Nellie S. Huang Published
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The Pros and Cons of Target Date Funds with Tony Drake
Financial Planning The simplicity of target date funds has made them popular, particularly among 401(k) savers. But investors may be paying a price.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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10 Terrific Retirement Funds That Tackle Every Need
mutual funds Retirees and those nearing the end of their careers must consider growth, income and safety for their investments. Here are 10 mutual funds and ETFs that keep those requirements in mind.
By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA Published
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5 High-Yield Mutual Funds With a Human Touch
mutual funds Seasoned management can make a difference in junk bonds. We put a spotlight on five actively run high-yield mutual funds.
By Aaron Levitt Published
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Stay Above the Interest Rate Fray
Investing for Income Your best bets now are venerable, managed diversified bond funds. You'll get a fair yield and peace of mind.
By Jeffrey R. Kosnett Published
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Readers Find Some Weird Winners
Investing for Income Most of the time, I find flaws in offbeat investments with high distributions. But sometimes oddities have their day of glory.
By Jeffrey R. Kosnett Published
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The Tax-Exempt Train Rolls On
Investing for Income A powerful force is propping up munis in 2021: U.S. prosperity.
By Jeffrey R. Kosnett Published
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A Comeback for Dividends
Investing for Income The biggest hikes in the Kiplinger Dividend 15 were 10% increases from Home Depot and Procter & Gamble.
By Adam Shell Published
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How to Generate an Extra $20,000 a Year in Retirement
Investing for Income That amount of money could change your life. Let me help.
By Jerry Golden, Investment Adviser Representative Published
Investing for Income