Explore Commodities
Thinking About Buying Gold? Think Again
gold The precious metal makes for a nice anniversary present, but it's not a good investment.
By Bill DeShurko, RIA Published
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Good Reasons to Buy and Hold Exxon Stock Forever
investing Exxon pays a generous dividend and, despite losing its coveted triple-A credit rating, the energy giant’s finances are rock solid.
By Daren Fonda Published
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What the U.S. Dollar Can Tell Investors About Oil Prices
investing Watch the Fed and U.S. dollar to figure out if and when oil may bottom and start to recover.
By John Riley, AIF Published
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Why the Humble Penny Refuses to Die
Feature The coin's survival has more to do with lobbying dollars than common sense.
By David Muhlbaum Published
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Some Investors Seek Safety in Gold Amid Stock Volatility
investing Recent dollar weakness and growing talk about negative interest rates are pushing up the yellow metal.
By Elizabeth Leary Published
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7 Energy Stocks to Buy Before Oil Prices Rebound
investing Heading into 2016, energy stocks seemed poised to end their swoon.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Managed Futures Funds Let You Ride Trends for Profit
investing When stocks and bonds wipe out, these funds can make money. But they need the right conditions from the Fed and other central banks.
By Elizabeth Leary Published
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Why Commodities Are Bad Investments
investing How an academic study led to billions of dollars of losses in gold, oil, grains and more.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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8 Beaten-Down Energy Stocks to Buy Low
stocks It's been a wild ride for energy investors.
By Carolyn Bigda Published