Millennial Money
Earn Extra Income With a Side Hustle
business Many people choose a business that takes advantage of skills they’ve developed at a 9-to-5 job.
By Rivan V. Stinson Published
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Talk to Your Parents About Caregiving
Caregiving While they're still active and healthy, you should broach the subject of what assistance they'll expect from you as they age.
By Kaitlin Pitsker Published
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Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan
retirement Even if you're unmarried and without dependents, you should still have a will.
By Miriam Cross Published
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Why You Need to Invest in Funds Before Stocks
investing When you're just starting out with investing, you first need to build a diversified core before betting on individual stocks.
By Ryan Ermey Published
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The Benefits of Being Your Own Boss
business Self-employment comes with extra flexibility—a trait that millennials prize—but it can also complicate your financial life.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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Best Ways to Pay for Grad School
Paying for College Getting an advanced degree isn't cheap. But you may not need to go into debt.
By Thomas H. Blanton Published
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The Risks of Paying Peer to Peer
Smart Buying Fraudsters are using payment apps such as Paypal and Zelle to trick you out of your money.
By Rivan V. Stinson Published
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How I Bought My First Home
real estate Millennials came of age as the housing bubble burst and lenders put credit in a vise. Now we make up the largest group of home buyers.
By Kaitlin Pitsker Published
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Start Investing Now? Uh, Yeah
investing Take advantage of one of your greatest assets: time.
By Ryan Ermey Published