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States That Could Tax Student Loan Forgiveness
Student Loans You probably won’t pay federal income taxes on forgiven student loan debt, but there are some states that will or could tax your student loan forgiveness.
By Kelley R. Taylor Last updated
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Student Loan Refunds Are Real, But You Might Not Be Eligible
student loans Since President Biden announced student loan debt relief, there has been a lot of talk about student loan refunds, which surprisingly have been around for a little while.
By Kelley R. Taylor Last updated
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Retirees: Cohousing is Growing. Is it Right for You?
This model of housing is designed to increase interaction. For some retirees, this is a draw. But you should know the details.
By Susan J. Wells Published
4 Money Mistakes to Let Your Kids Make (for Their Own Good!)
When it comes to finances, don’t be a helicopter parent. Sometimes the best way to learn about money is to make a mistake.
By Eric Roberge, Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Investment Adviser Last updated
Is Student Loan Debt Hurting Your Retirement Plans?
Paying for College Millions of borrowers 50 and older are struggling to repay loans for themselves and their children, some delaying retirement. There’s a trick, though, to help with repayment.
By Elaine Silvestrini Published
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Are Debt Collectors Overcharging You? How to Protect Yourself
debt management "Convenience fees” on debt repayments are likely illegal.
By Elaine Silvestrini Published
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Up to $20,000 in Student Loan Cancellation is Here: But Will it Hurt Your Taxes?
taxes President Biden extended the student loan payment pause and announced up to $20,000 in student loan debt cancellation for some borrowers—plus there’s some good tax news.
By Kelley R. Taylor Published
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Student Loans and Taxes: Some Basics to Know
taxes Payments for student loans are on pause and student loan cancellation is being decided by the Supreme Court—but there are other things to know about student loans and taxes.
By Kelley R. Taylor Published
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A Wave of Bankruptcies and Foreclosures Appears to be Building
bankruptcy A perfect storm of COVID-related economic issues mixed with inflation and a stay-at-home workforce is bearing down on small businesses and real estate investors. Don’t wait to take evasive action.
By William Lobel, ESQ. Published