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Get Free Credit Reports Weekly
Check your credit report weekly for free as the three major credit bureaus make a pandemic-era initiative permanent.
By Lisa Gerstner Last updated
25 Best College Majors for a Lucrative Career
college One way to increase your chances of earning a good living is to pick a college major that prepares you to work in a field that pays well. Here are some of the best options and how you might expect to fare.
By Karon Warren Last updated
college -
Are Credit Cards an Alternative Source of Income?
Thinking that having credit available means you have another source of income is misguided.
By Deborah W. Ellis Published
How Intrafamily Loans Can Bridge the Education Funding Gap
To avoid triggering federal gift taxes, a family member can lend a student money for education at IRS-set interest rates. Here's what to keep in mind.
By Denise McClain, JD, CPA Published
Seven Simple Ways to Improve Your Credit Score (According to Experts)
In the world of credit, responsibility is greatly rewarded.
By Kiplinger Advisor Collective Published
How to Create a Retirement Plan That Checks All Your Boxes
You might consider starting with a model retirement plan that has already been assembled and is ready to be refined to meet your objectives.
By Jerry Golden, Investment Adviser Representative Published
What Could the Election Mean for Student Loans? Harris vs Trump
As the presidential election heats up, here’s a closer look at each candidate’s plans to address student loans.
By Erin Bendig Last updated
Five Common Credit Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Mistakes are an often inevitable fact of life, but knowledge truly is power when it comes to financial wellness.
By Rod Griffin Published
50 Years Ago, Women Won Equal Access to Credit
Until U.S. women won equal access to credit, they often couldn't buy a home or own a credit card without a male cosigner.
By Elaine Silvestrini Published