FAQs on CARES Act Relief for Student Loan Borrowers
student loans Here’s how to know if you qualify – and how you should take advantage.
By Randy Lupi, IAR Published
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Stay on Course With Student Loans
Paying for College You may be eligible for deferment if you receive unemployment benefits or are unable to find a full-time job.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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Millennials Face Their Second Recession
Making Your Money Last Forty percent of millennials say the pandemic will likely cause them to delay payments on their debts. Does that include you? Time to take action.
By Rivan V. Stinson Published
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8 Benefits for Healthcare Workers, First Responders in the HEROES Act
Politics Parts of the massive federal stimulus passed by the House of Representatives focus on workers on the front line of the coronavirus battle.
By Bob Niedt Published
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Economic Aid for Millennials: Stimulus Checks, Student Loan Relief and More
savings The coronavirus pandemic is killing our economy, and millennials are being hit particularly hard.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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Don’t Fall for Pandemic Cons
Scams Scammers are stealing money with phishing schemes, fake remedies and inflated prices on products that are in demand.
By Sandra Block Published
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11 Ways the CARES Act and Other Government Measures Could Help You in 2020
unemployment Hopefully, the CARES Act and other coronavirus stimulus measures will get the U.S. economy back on track. Some of the changes made could improve your own financial health in 2020, too.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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Coronavirus Fears Suppress Student Loan Interest Rates
interest rates The plunge in interest rates could reduce borrowing costs for students who take out federal loans for the 2020-2021 academic year—and their parents could get a break, too.
By Sandra Block Published
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Is College Still a Good Investment?
Paying for College Rising college costs and heavy debt have raised doubts about the payoff from a college degree.
By Kaitlin Pitsker Published
Paying for College