Don't Overlook Advantages of Making Insurance Part of Your Retirement Plan
insurance Life insurance can offer income and saving options for the long term.
By Richard Pucciarelli, Investment Adviser Representative Published
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Is Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance Right for You?
Long-Term Care Insurance If you hate the idea of paying for long-term care insurance you may never use, a hybrid policy could be for you. The money you paid in premiums doesn’t just evaporate if you never need the benefits: Your heirs could get most of it back as an inheritance.
By Bud Boland, CFP® Published
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Is Your Insurance Hurting You Instead of Helping You?
insurance If you’re not careful to buy the right kind of insurance, keep it in the right place and pay for it in the right way, your good intentions could end up working against you.
By Matthew Helfrich, CFP Published
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5 Myths That Could Have You Walking a Financial Tightrope Without a Safety Net
retirement Life insurance is a mystery to most people, but it's an important part of your financial picture, so don't let these common misbeliefs stop you from protecting yourself.
By Scott Thoma, CFA, CFP® Published
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3 Ways To Leverage Your Health Equity For Better Life Insurance Rates
Sponsored Studies show that the average retiree will need $280,000 just to pay for medical expenses.
By Staff Published
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3 Ways To Leverage Your Health Equity For Better Life Insurance Rates
Sponsored Studies show that the average retiree will need $280,000 just to pay for medical expenses.
By Staff Published
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Do You Need Life Insurance in Retirement?
life insurance One form of life insurance that may be worth investigating for its tax advantages and estate benefits is an indexed universal life policy.
By Jeff Vogan, RFC, CEP Published
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Something BIG Could Be Missing from Your Retirement Plan
Long-Term Care Insurance About 70% of people who reach age 65 could potentially need long-term care at some point in their lives, and it can easily cost $100,000 a year. You need a plan in place, just in case. Here are seven ways to pay for it.
By Linda Gardner, Independent Investment Adviser Representative Published
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What NOT to Do During Open Enrollment Time
retirement Many employees just automatically pick the same benefits options year after year with little to no thought. That's a mistake. Instead, here are some points you really should consider for your own financial well-being.
By Vishal Jain Published