Rethinking Retirement
The Virtues of Volunteering
Empty Nesters To find your niche, focus on activities that pique your interest, and don't overcommit.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Empty Nesters -
Fulfilling Ways to Spend Retirement
Empty Nesters Community service, religious pursuits and personal interests top the list.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Empty Nesters -
Finding a Sense of Purpose in Retirement
Healthy Living on a Budget Religion and mentorship are both fulfilling paths for retirees.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Healthy Living on a Budget -
Peering Past the Pandemic
Travel I’m looking forward to a time when lunches with the girls (or guys), volunteering and travel will resume.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Fulfilling Ways to Spend Your Time in Retirement
Healthy Living on a Budget Human creativity is unlimited: Just look at the activities retirees find to fill their days.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Healthy Living on a Budget -
The Joys of Being Retired
Empty Nesters More freedom, being able to give back, and time to deepen relationships are common themes in your e-mails.
By Janet Bodnar Published
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Don’t Let COVID-19 Derail Your Retirement
retirement Yes, many of us have taken a big hit. Stick to your principles — and be flexible.
By Bob Niedt Published
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Staying Calm in a Crisis
Making Your Money Last Keep a stock allocation that you can live with and still sleep well.
By Janet Bodnar Published
Making Your Money Last -
When I’m 64
retirement As you near your 65th birthday, you’ll face a slew of important decisions—and a deluge of mail.
By Bob Niedt Published