Tax-free income is the dream of every taxpayer. And if you save in a Roth IRA account, it's a reality. These accounts offer big benefits, but the rules for Roths can be complex. If you'd like to know more about Roth IRAs, start with our beginner's guide: everything you should know about Roth IRAs then work your way through our other features and guides on smart strategies to ensure you can end up with a tax-free stream of income down the road.
How to Roll Over a 401(k) in Five Steps
Here's how to roll over a 401(k) to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or even to a Roth 401(k).
By Coryanne Hicks Last updated
Four Roth IRA Pitfalls Your Adviser May Not Tell You About
You may not be bound for Mordor, but Roth IRA pitfalls could upend your retirement if you're unaware of them.
By Maurie Backman Published
Backdoor Roth IRAs: Good for Wealthy Retirees?
Financial Planning A backdoor Roth IRA is a tax loophole that enables wealthier individuals to earn tax-free income. But it's complicated.
By David Rodeck Last updated
Financial Planning -
How To Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth After 60
retirement You can convert an IRA to a Roth no matter how old you are. But if the conversion boosts your income, it could have taxing consequences.
By Kimberly Lankford Last updated
retirement -
Roth or Traditional? Seven Considerations for High Earners
Retirement savings and taxes are a minefield — and the higher your income, the more complicated the options. Use these tips to find your way forward.
By Tim Kingsbury, CFP® Published
8 Things No One Tells You About Retirement
Making Your Money Last As you advance toward retirement, it's a good idea to start sharpening the focus of your retirement vision.
By Rachel L. Sheedy Last updated
Making Your Money Last -
What You Should Know About Spousal IRAs
Without spousal IRAs, you would need an earned income to contribute to your retirement account.
By Sandra Block Last updated
Are You a 'Midwestern Millionaire'? Four Retirement Strategies
Midwestern Millionaires might not live in the Midwest, but they share a saver's mindset. These strategies are for those who have saved $1 million or more.
By Joe F. Schmitz Jr., CFP®, ChFC® Published
Lower Your Income So You Can Contribute to a Roth IRA
401(k)s If you're just above the income cutoff (MAGI) to qualify for Roth IRA contributions, these strategies will help you meet it and lower your taxes.
By Kimberly Lankford Last updated