Goldman Sachs: 7 Growth Stocks to Buy With Explosive Potential

If you are stuck for investing inspiration after a breakneck first quarter, Goldman Sachs has some valuable tips.

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If you are stuck for investing inspiration after a breakneck first quarter, Goldman Sachs has some valuable tips. The firm has just released a report advising investors to focus on growth stocks with rapidly growing revenues. These are the kinds of companies that should outperform as costs rise over the coming year, Goldman analysts say.

“Mounting pressures from wage inflation and other input costs will pressure margins, making further expansion from currently all-time high margins unlikely,” writes David Kostin, Goldman Sachs’ head U.S. equity strategist. “As a result, growth in (earnings per share) will be driven entirely by top-line sales.”

That’s already playing out so far this year. Goldman Sachs recently calculated that stocks it considers “high revenue” have outperformed the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index by 400 basis points already since the start of 2019.

Here are seven growth stocks to buy, according to Goldman’s expectations for high revenue expansion across the rest of 2019.


Data is as of March 31.

Harriet Lefton
Contributing Writer,
Harriet Lefton, originally from the U.K., began her career as a journalist specializing in the niche world of metal markets. She graduated from the University of Cambridge before becoming a qualified U.K. lawyer. Now she has turned her attention to the world of financial blogging, covering U.S. stocks, analysts and all manner of things finance-related.