Your Social Security Questions Answered

What's the best age to claim Social Security benefits?

Three Social Security cards
(Image credit: Getty Images)

What's the best age to claim Social Security benefits? Do you need to pay taxes on Social Security? What's a delayed retirement credit? Is a spousal benefit the same as a survivor benefit? Social Security can be confusing, so whether you're already a retiree or just someone planning for retirement, you naturally have questions.

And you should be asking questions. Social Security is a critical component of a well-rounded retirement income plan that might also include savings in IRAs, 401(k)s and similar accounts, a part-time job or second act, a pension or an annuity. The average monthly Social Security check received by a retired worker totals about $1,400. Read on to see common Social Security questions answered by the experts at Kiplinger's Retirement Report. Your retirement nest egg will be all the better for it.