Starting Out: New Grads and Young Professionals
10 Financial Commandments for Your 20s
personal finance Tend to these tasks now to achieve your financial independence later.
By Stacy Rapacon Published
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Start Saving Now
savings Get in the habit early, even if it’s only a small amount with each paycheck.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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How to Stretch Your Money
Budgeting Outline your spending and saving priorities with a detailed budget.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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What to Do in Case of Financial Emergency
Budgeting If you have yet to build up an emergency fund, consider these options to help cover any big, unexpected costs.
By Lisa Gerstner Published
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How to Use Social Media to Boost Your Career
business Online networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook make it easy for you to connect with others in your industry and showcase your abilities.
By Lisa Elaine Babb Published
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Save for a House
real estate How much you’ll need and what to expect when you apply for a mortgage.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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Buy or Rent?
real estate It's a good time to buy, but renting is better if you're not ready to stay put at least five years.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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Tax Planning for New Grads
taxes After graduating from college, can you claim your own exemption?
By the editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Published
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Tax Savings for Young People
taxes By keeping track of moving expenses, using a Roth IRA to save for your first home and timing your wedding, you can save come tax time.
By the editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Published