Buy Cruise Line Stocks? The Pros Aren't So Sure
stocks Cruise line stocks have performed well so far in 2021, but analysts are still sitting on the sidelines amid cloudy reopening plans.
By Karee Venema Published
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FAANG Stocks: What Challenges Await These 5 Mega-Caps?
tech stocks After a blockbuster 2020 performance, the FAANG stocks aren't doing quite so hot in 2021. Here, we look at some of the headwinds facing investors in these widely held names.
By Brad Moon Published
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The Basics of Unemployment Benefits: Who Qualifies, How to Apply, How Much You’ll Get
Coronavirus and Your Money Unemployment insurance is a joint state and federal program that provides those out of work with temporary yet steady income to help them financially. In a big shift, the self-employed now qualify for benefits.
By Marc A. Wojno Published
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Impact Investing Leads the New Frontiers of Investing
investing Investors who want to make a real difference in people’s lives are diving into a new type of investing: impact investing. You may have heard of ESG or socially responsible investing. Well, impact investing takes it one step further.
By Will Lofland Published
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7 Best Ways to Play the Reflation Trade
stocks to buy The market is in the early stages of what appears to be a rotation into reflation-friendly stocks. Here are seven ways to play this shift.
By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA Published
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A COVID Storm Hits Senior Living
Coronavirus and Your Money The pandemic has created significant challenges for all types of senior living communities. Because of that, it's more important than ever to review a facility's financial stability and quality of life before making a move.
By Patricia Mertz Esswein Published
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Stock Market Today 3/2/21: Stocks Regress After Monday's Romp
Stock Market Today Monday's euphoric stock-buying binge was put in check, with the major indices giving back some gains on a slow-news Tuesday.
By Kyle Woodley Published
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Lump Sum or Not: What’s the Best Way to Invest Your Year-End Bonus?
investing What is dollar cost averaging, and when you have a significant windfall to invest, which method is better for you: dollar cost averaging vs. a lump sum investment?
By Ryan Halpern, CPA, CFP® Published
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Teachers Can Deduct COVID-Prevention Supplies on Their Tax Return
Tax Breaks Eligible educators can write off expenses for COVID-19 protective items that help stop the spread of the virus in the classroom.
By Rocky Mengle Published
Tax Breaks