Donald Trump
Election 2020: President Trump's Tax Plans
Politics The president still hasn't provided details about second-term tax plans if he wins the election, but he has dropped a few hints over the past few months.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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Kamala Harris's Tax Policy Proposals
Politics Since she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency next year, you might want to know where Kamala Harris stands on taxes.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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2020 Election: The Health Care Debate
Politics The presidential candidates’ stances on health care couldn't be more different.
By the editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Published
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5 HEROES Act Provisions with a Good Chance of Becoming Law
Politics The massive federal stimulus bill just passed by the House of Representatives is "dead on arrival" in the Senate. But a few proposals in the bill have enough bipartisan support to eventually become law.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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What Could the CARES Act Do for You?
Making Your Money Last Check out the basic protections and benefits offered by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to see if you might qualify.
By Leslie Verkuilen, Investment Adviser Representative Published
Making Your Money Last -
11 Ways the CARES Act and Other Government Measures Could Help You in 2020
unemployment Hopefully, the CARES Act and other coronavirus stimulus measures will get the U.S. economy back on track. Some of the changes made could improve your own financial health in 2020, too.
By Rocky Mengle Published
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Tax Credits Included in Coronavirus Paid Leave Law
Tax Breaks The Families First Coronavirus Response Act creates tax credits to help employers required to provide sick and family leave benefits and self-employed people who can't work because of the coronavirus.
By Rocky Mengle Published
Tax Breaks -
The Scary Facts About Social Security's Future
social security Have you read the fine print on the Social Security benefit statement estimating what you'll get when the time comes? It lists a scary caveat that essentially means what you see may not be what you get. You need a Plan B.
By Ron Gelok, Investment Adviser Published
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Roth IRA: Convert Now or Pay Later?
investing Why the tax-code change should put a hurry-up on your decision to convert a traditional IRA into a Roth.
By Kurt Supe, CPA Published