Fidelity Investments
The latest Fidelity Investments breaking news, comment and features from Kiplinger
How to Set Up a Donor-Advised Fund
Tax Breaks You get a tax break in the year you contribute the money to a donor-advised fund but can decide which charities to support later.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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Why You Should Avoid Janus and Pimco Funds
investing Boardroom drama is never helpful at money-management firms.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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Fidelity Magellan Shows Signs of Life
investing The onetime colossus is improving, but other choices, such as Fidelity New Millenium, look more appealing.
By Nellie S. Huang Published
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Fewer Trades, More Gains
investing Trading generates taxes, and taxes, combined with trading costs, erode long-term returns.
By James K. Glassman Published
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Build a Bond Ladder With New Funds
investing Small investors can benefit from the diversification and low costs of new bond funds that have defined maturity dates.
By Eleanor Laise Published
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Finally, a Variable Annuity Worth Considering
annuities Vanguard has a new guaranteed-income rider for its low-cost variable annuity that can make sense for some risk-averse investors.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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Index Fund War: Fidelity vs. Vanguard
Index Funds The mutual fund giants' dueling means lower costs and more investment options for you.
By Nellie S. Huang Published
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No Transaction Fund Fees: Are They Really Free?
investing In choosing between an NTF fund and a similar fund with a transaction fee, check the expense ratios first. The better deal could surprise you.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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Want to Buy Foreign Bonds Directly? Good Luck
bonds The yields on debt issued by governments overseas trump what you can get from U.S. debt. But you need to be a millionaire to tap that market.
By Jeffrey R. Kosnett Published