John C. Bogle
5 Index-Beating Vanguard Funds
investing The firm known for its index offerings has some great actively managed funds.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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Investing Lessons From Vanguard's Bogleheads
Index Funds Their zealous devotion to the principles espoused by John Bogle means a nearly exclusive reliance on index funds and close ties with Vanguard.
By Daren Fonda Published
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Why You Should Avoid Most Bond Index Funds
bonds Most of these funds are larded with securities issued by heavily indebted countries, including the U.S.
By Steven Goldberg Published
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4 Great Financial Books for Recent Grads
Smart Buying These primers will help your children learn the basics of investing and personal finance.
By Kimberly Lankford Published
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The Case for Low-Turnover Funds
mutual funds Funds that hold onto stocks longer tend to let investors hang on to more of their assets.
By Laura Cohn Published
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Timeless Advice From Our 2009 Interview with John Bogle
investing Owning stocks always trumps renting stocks, says the father of index investing and founder of Vanguard.
By Elizabeth Leary Published