Don't Be Fooled: 5 Steps to Help Avoid Financial Scams
Scams Some savvy stay-safe tips to help protect yourself and watch out for family members at the same time.
By Marcy Keckler, CFP®, CRPC® Published
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10 Things Retirees Should Never Keep in Their Wallets
Scams One of the worst feelings is reaching for your wallet and finding it's not there.
By Bob Niedt Published
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Identity Theft: Act Now to Protect Yourself
Scams Identity thieves are more skilled at their nefarious craft than ever.
By Miriam Cross Published
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New Rules Battle Financial Scams, Elder Abuse
Scams One in five older Americans falls prey to financial exploitation each year. Now, banks and financial advisers are stepping up front-line defenses.
By Mary Kane Published
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Thwarting the Robocaller Invasion
Scams Consumers have an array of weapons at their disposal in the fight to help keep those infuriating interruptions at bay.
By Joelle Spear, CFP® Published
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Have You Been Duped?
Scams Dating singles, consumers and retirement savers alike can see how not to get taken by learning from one woman's mistakes, detailed in the book "Duped: Double Lives, False Identities, and the Con Man I Almost Married."
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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When Zombie Debt Collectors Chase Written-Off Debts
Scams A threatening call out of the blue accuses you of bad debts from years ago. Is it for real? What do you do?
By H. Dennis Beaver, Esq. Published
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ID Thieves Exploit Snail Mail
Scams A new mail tracking service provided by the United States Postal Service has a loophole that ID thieves can take advantage of.
By Rivan V. Stinson Published
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4 Simple Steps to Help Protect Against Identity Theft
Scams Taking a few proactive measures now can potentially save you from a lot of headaches later.
By Robert Harwood, Investment Adviser Published